Anecdotal Record 1 - Final

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Anecdotal Observation 1
Alex Playing with Colourful Balls
Location: At Alexs House
Date: 22nd January
Time: 12:30 pm
Subject: Alex
Observer: Rachna and Divya
Observation: Alex is playing
with his toy box in the foyer
of the kitchen area. Adjacent
to his box, is a big tri- fold
board with six cut out holes
outlined in different colours corresponding to the colour of
his balls. Alex is bending and picking up an yellow ball in
his right hand and throwing it into one of the coloured
holes of the board. He then goes up to the hole of the board
and puts his face on the edges of the hole and peaks
through it. He watches his ball roll towards the other side
of the board and giggles. He then goes back to his toy box,
bends down and picks up a green ball. He holds the ball
with a firm grip in his right hand and walks up again, very
close to the board. He now squats on his thighs, bends his
head, sees the opening of the hole and slowly puts the ball
through the lower green hole.

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