Kumaraswamiyam 1

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sy ten 174 ls * Kumara$wamiyam & An Ancient Tamil Classic Translated by Shri Viswalingam Padmanabhan °F amil is one of the most ancient Indian @ BF Nasguages © there re many clanieal J2 N= _Iyotisha secrets in Tari literature. One such is Kumaraswamiyam & many scholars have given it the highest pedestal. In Tamil language, Dea sate treat eed exe) Mies cnet lee Shive. ‘instal lessees arated the wapsrtance ct astrology to Lord Muruga. Hein return passesiton to Rishi Agasthiyarthat ourcurrent deedsare based on past karmas. In this translation assignment, the author has striven very hard to give below the best possible translation freee Gt eerie Or tenth mary welll eegrces IE readers have any corrections/suggestions on the same, they can contact us. Oxe will appreciate & understand how difficult it is to translate from a fade vel epletger aaatecetic [oxi] ef goed clon days first into modem Tamil and then into English It is a very painstaking job that deserves accolades. What acre leasteese itiedl backicval ito maintain the poetic rhythm even in english,stanza by stanza which the author has valiantly attempted. Lord Shiva with gleaming Ganges in his tresses, who By Lord Vishnu wearing gold like sacred basil garland With Goddess of wealth and Devas, is now resting under theshade Ofa fertile tree in Pandava region for the sake of HIS devotees. || The grand city in the region of Pandavas ts replete Bh Goda dh, Fostile flower garcons dense sugarcane rice farms By flowing rivers where swans swim across, with conte Subjects living in palatial buildings, all by the courtesyofenoughrains, |) re) A holy merchant who lived in such a fertile city begotason Blessed with immensepotentialsand intelligence Toadd tothe joy & surprise of the parents and the famed race By the grace of Shiva, the flawless Lord with the trident. |(5}| (Adela peel uses coed fo costs evrescare (ar the gifted Male child born tothe blessed parents. Ascertaining, thatthechild Washor with bright future prospects the child We sdesed os Komsecovreneny co ties peed enyphy rewarded. ||4i] The merchant isextremely pleased & isthankful To Omniscient Lord Shiva for the extraordinary courtesy Tobestowamalechild tosucha humble Person, like himself, who is born & rcbom in this world. |5j) While, on the one hand, everyone is pleased with theascent Oftheson'sknowledge,skill & prowess,fate Descendedheavily intheguiseof the merchant's Sobbing spouse ond asa result the merchant breathedhislast. |(6l Consoled by scholars alter duly performing the last rites Forthe atlaimieutof thesoulofhisfather,heleftthe place Later on, he married a lady, from a family of knowledge means, Whois as loyal as Arunthothi on an auspicious day fixed by ascetics. [Z|] Tora few days the couple led a romantic life just as desired by Indran, The Lord of love with flower decked arrows & Rathi,thecynosure of all eyes, Begot sweet children and enjoyed a charitable and hoppy life by the grace Of Lord Maraga & Goddess Lokshini, seated on a Totusthrone. |[8| sy Zz In a few days that passed by, the honest son iB} 175 lee A feeling of anguish in the face of his beloved motherand Derotedly caked ler if is pustiicd ia netreveulingy tohim The reasonslorher desperatemood. ||9]) “Alas! What a sin have [committed which forces me toinform My dearson who had just married to get ready for A joumey to forest forsaking coronation” laments hismom. What a tragedy it is for the newly wedded couple ioclecereenetian? |f10)) Overcoming the shock from the news about the pr Exile conveyed by his mother, he asked her not to worry since nobody, Even the learned pundits, nor sages, nor loyal maidens nor persons Whochservepenancecan escape from the effects of destiny, || Is it the effect of destiny, that the man who won the Golden Garland from a pretty lady comparable to Uma Devi, Thecreatorof the universe, which precludes hisstay inthecity& title To rule the dynasty well known for fame & prosperity? |/12|] Conceding the infallible rightsof the supreme, Hedrew references fromepics that thosewhohave TilSblessingsshall not be vanquished Fieescle Listas eer which sheeadorscel. (}15)| Kandavelan eloped & married charming Valli bomtoa spotted Deer, He came toKailash, the icy mountain, met & bowed untoLord Shiva with sacred Gangeson his tresses, whocould Neither he traced by Lord Vishnu nor by Lord Brahma. |(14l) Awakening from meditation, Shiva, the triple eyedLord Noticed his handsomeson, Velavan, prompted fel Him tocomeby hissideand fondly enquired About the purpose of his visit. The beloved son responded. 15) Ho bowed unio Uieleareudiey Lord Shara are politely Asked him to frame guidelines in the form of abook toenable All life forms, with one to six senses, to live in compatible Termswith thenormsofNature. |{{6] Shiva, the Lord of virtues, noticed the anguish inthe faceolhisson And to ascertain the cause, began to gauge the troubleshooting planets And found that a situation is fast approaching when hisson Will be reqmuired to fight the evil forces in the Universe._|jf7]| The Lord who annexed his spouse on the left side of hishody isoware Thatafew honorable personsaremade tosuffer Due to the evil effects of planets & that avoiding sucheventualitiesaltogether Isdifficult since it is dangerous tooverrule thewill of Neture. |I8}) Kumaravelan asked whether it is a sin to be a centenarian A cdetiemellistanyeriils oly = Jew enjoy the benefits Of the material life fully and hence had a doubt whether Tie wenes(iveletaveelsdsarpanal yates (Ol Realizing the need to be impartial, Shiva asked his son not toworry Abou! 10 detnre| Wat persons who ere oll conscious€ refrain From committing criminal offences like murder, adultery, Falschood, disrespect. to parents & principles of Sateen enller 20) “Moreover persons who sincerely & politely surrenderin your Feet dual be benched by tether) etait panos” (ge el [5] 176 aa Sosaid Lord Umapathy. Pleased with the verdict of Lord Shiva, the consort of Valliwith pretty And scented tresses, left Kailash to reach his fertile ebedeisThiracheaduc. [2l| Qne who politely surrenders in the feet of Lord Muruga, Admired by Lord Vishnu as one of the most benevolent And liberal donor of his blessings to the devotees, shall Have all the benefits that the sacred book could grant. |Z "You are the right person to propagate the entire contents Ofthis sacred testament” Sosaid Lord Shivaand his ere rere gl yaad oosnced est sot Lowell Extend all the benefits in this book to his followers. (|25) He visited the fort-like temple wherein he had a rousing, Welcomed & entertained by the sound of damsels dancing, The beatsof thedrums,the melodious rendering Ol (ae yoouce oral tha tectisl of pocts soaking the Blessings. 241 Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, Devas and lots of devotees Assembled there to greet the handsome son brought about By the fire from the third eye of Lord Shiva, the affectionate Consort of Valli, the sweet-tongued damsel. ([25)) There he paid his respects, with hisanmsraised over Files teesl femterolling dowaliychecleiaconven ing A sense of deep love, like the butter melting under huégefire. Hewassomovedthat hecould not speak. ||26]| “Hail Lord of Holiness,hail Lord of Perfection HailLordof Justice, hailLordof Purity, * Musical Instrument ey Gis) Hail Lord of Light, hail Lord of Ovigin, Hail lord of Wealth, hail lord of Beauty.” ||22\) "Hail Lord of Scriptures, hai face, Hail Lordof Mercy, hail Lordofthe Ultimate, Feil Lord with Cock Mast, hail Lord with Kadamba flowers, Hail Lord of Fullness, hail Valli Nayagi's consort.” |[28)| dl Daclorth ueenaoual “Hail Lord of Heaven, hail Lord Velava, Heil Lordof Stiength, hail Lordof Choracter, Heil primary Lord, hail Lord Muruga, Hail Lore of Character, hail Lord of Tirachendur.” ||29\| (Note: Tas eetbe Nos taterchanged the werces clelities listled as botwreca verves 216-2015 conform to the rhythm in English) "Hail Lord Velovon, residing in Tiruchendur surrounded by ocoan Where pearls abound, who can redeom Indi bom With strife ridden life” Could subjects who do snenial jobsin Bothworldsseek HIS protection? |50)) iduals Persons believe that they areimmortal whereas Tuisesunstableas waterbubbles Can such persous ee ee Macrae: ero OfVelliNayagiwith charming bressts. |(51l Persons with scant knowledge & persons who stray in search of material Plenty Ot ensat theme leer cel ways do inhabit inthis planet. Could such persons be salvaged by Lord Muga, the resident Of Tiruchendur, an abode full of scented flower plants? |[59]j “Could leverbe forgiven forall my lapses And is there a way I can find to shed all the evil fae For attainment of my soul, Oh Lord Velava, the & embodiment eel IT ee Of mercy, adomed with a garland of scented Kadarbaflowers?” |[55| “Failing the glory of Lord wholes me And exalting HIM to preach the invaluable contents tiie larly tent [eect hint toconatersymoecls RR efie ia casio nae: otoctierevey coveoe ||541) ‘Alfecthe (gail ngjean hadoct beneath the western Seca the mighty Velavan with his dual spouses, epee Inthedream of the devotee asrequested by him And declared that none can bypass the effects of pastaction |[55I] The tormsol the famous astrological texts were duly handed Over to the Sage Agasthiarbuta few of his disciples havedistorted Thecontentsandtenorol thedocument and spread The message across the world & hence the need to realign. ||56)| Mil lalwiestensl beats bred bqyonnsuancied Bymeearlier'averredLordShiva."Youcan Perceiveaclear picture afterscrutiny and The inputs will automatically come to your mind” |57I “After a complete revamp & after getting a clear rasp Of the subject, you can pronounce the text to the multitude With varyingcapacitiosin theworld & reshape The populace so that salvation, of their souls, is attained.” ||58|) Fie eeeeehal ea Shiva cdvocaiak ezemedy fen alltheillssuffered By the peoplein the form ofa text & vanished alter Bivinghis prasadam. (Vibloothi) & wwwasaptarishisastrology.com ——... * Holy Ash in thiscoatext (ae Fr}

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