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Outdoor doodle

Meshary, today we spent some time outdoor having fun soaking the sun. There were lots of
activities for you to choose from including water play, bikes, playing in the sandpit, chalks
for you to doodle and much more. You showed an interest in doodling when you saw your
peer, Malak drawing on the ground. Upon watching you, I offered you a container filled with
chalks, you used your right hand to pick up a blue chalk. I showed you how to hold the chalk
in the pencil grip. You then held the chalk with your right hand to doodle.
Meshary, you were able to hold the pencil in this grasp whilst you made marks on the ground.
I talked to you about the marks were made by you moving the chalk along the ground. You
had so much fun doing this that you started standing and sitting around the same area creating
your masterpiece.
Meshary, you displayed an interest in writing. You are learning different ways to be
creative and expressive through art processes. You are developing your motor skills,
pincer grip and pre-writing skills, well done!
Meshary, we will continue to offer you a variety of art mediums to experiment with, to
develop and extend upon your creativity.


March 2016

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