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Career Research Begins with Credible Sources!

# of Days


Prior Knowledge

The students have conducted basic research in their past English

Language Arts classes. Additionally, the students have been
contemplating what success means to them and how their future career
might play into their plan for success.

Lesson Objective(s)

SWBAT describe the differences between credible and noncredible

sources for research purposes.
SWBAT inspect sources for pertinent information about a career of their
choosing for the Career Research Project.
SWBAT record information about a career of their choosing for the
Career Research Project.
SWBAT compare and contrast the differences between formal and
informal language and when it is appropriate to use.

Lesson Assessment

The students will be assessed based on the research that they conduct for
their career projects. The students will be determining which sources are
credible and which are uncredible while conducting their research. The
teachers can collect the Career Research Worksheets at the end of the
lesson to assess student work.


CCSS.ELA.Literacy.W.9-10.7 - Conduct short as well as more

sustained research projects to answer a question or solve a problem;
narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple
sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under
CCSS.ELA.Literacy.W.9-10.8 - Gather relevant information from
multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches
effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the
research question; integrate information into the text selectively to
maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard
format for citation.
CCSS.ELA.Literacy.W.9-10.4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in
which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.

IB Characteristic(s)


Materials Needed

Credible Sources Powerpoint, Career Research Worksheets, and iPads


Learning Task

Methods or Procedures

5 min

Bellwork: How do we know if

information we read online is

Bellwork is a daily warm-up standard in our

classroom that encourages students to read,
write, and discuss the topic with their peers.

15 min

The teachers will lead the students in a

brief lecture on determining whether a
source is credible or noncredible using
the Credible Sources Powerpoint.
A few examples of sources should be
pulled up on the projector for students
to assess whether they are credible or

The Credible Source presentation is intended to

give students the tools that they need to conduct
proper research for academic tasks.
Additionally, the students will have the
opportunity to practice determining if a source is
credible or noncredible as a means of
scaffolding their knowledge.

The teachers will hand out assigned

iPads to the students to facilitate

The iPads will assign the iPads prior to class to

use as little instructional time as possible on the
distribution of the devices.

The students will use this time to

conduct their research for Day One,
which focuses on determining a single
career to focus on for the Career
Research Project.

The research should be completed

independently, but the students are welcome to
be social as long as they are staying on task.

If students finish the Day One

Research, they may proceed onto the
Day 2 Research.

The actual process of researching in itself is an

act of inquiry, and the students should be
investigating ideas of their own future careers.

3 min

24 min

The teachers will be present to provide

academic and technical assistance.
3 min

The teachers will collect iPads that

were assigned to students.

In order to reduce the amount of instructional

time used, the teachers will collect the iPads.

5 min

Bellwork: What other places can we

find sources for research that are not

Bellwork is a daily warm-up standard in our

classroom that encourages students to read,
write, and discuss the topic with their peers.

3 min

The teachers will hand out assigned

iPads to the students to facilitate

The iPads will assign the iPads prior to class to

use as little instructional time as possible on the
distribution of the devices.

14 min

The students will spend the brief time

completing Day One Research and

The actual process of researching in itself is an

act of inquiry, and the students should be

beginning Day Two Research.

investigating ideas of their own future careers.


3 min

The teachers will collect iPads that

were assigned to students.

In order to reduce the amount of instructional

time used, the teachers will collect the iPads.

5 min

Bellwork: How can be an important

part of my life and future?

Bellwork is a daily warm-up standard in our

classroom that encourages students to read,
write, and discuss the topic with their peers.

15 min

The teachers will lead the class in an

interactive discussion on the
differences between formal and
informal writing as well as when it is
appropriate to use them.
The teachers will also explain that
every Wednesday class period will
include a mini-lesson on grammar,
syntax, and writing composition.

The intention of this discussion is to encourage

students to examine how language is used in
different contexts. By conducting this
examination, the teachers can help lead the
students to the understanding that the English
language is very malleable and should be
adjusted to meet specific goals, audiences, and

3 min

The teachers will hand out assigned

iPads to the students to facilitate

The iPads will assign the iPads prior to class to

use as little instructional time as possible on the
distribution of the devices.

24 min

The students will use this time to

finish the research that is needed to
complete the Career Research Project.

The research should be completed

independently, but the students are welcome to
be social as long as they are staying on task.

The teachers will circulate throughout

the room to provide academic and
technical support.

The actual process of researching in itself is an

act of inquiry, and the students should be
investigating ideas of their own future careers.

The teachers will collect iPads that

were assigned to students.

In order to reduce the amount of instructional

time used, the teachers will collect the iPads.

3 min

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