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Graduation Day Welcome Address March 3rd 2016.

Welcome honorable chief guest, respected Chairman, dignitaries,

proud parents and friends of our graduates. Thank you for being here.
Welcome dedicated faculties, staff, and degree recipients. I am
honored to stand before you this morning to welcome you to the 4 th
graduation ceremony. Today we celebrate the hope and light both
spiritually and educationally.
I welcome you all and in particular our chief guest Sir, Dr. S. Selladurai,
Additional Registrar, Anna University Chennai. Sir. Hearty welcome to
you sir.
Its with special joy I welcome you all to another treasured moment in
the lives of our students and the college. Dear graduates the
graduation ceremony is one of the most memorable events in
anybodys life. This comes at the end of a long journey of academic
and social preparations. This ceremony tells you that you are now
prepared to begin your life to achieve your life purpose.

As you look

at the faces of your parents and family members you are grateful for
their love and support. You will treasure this day and the memories for
the rest of your life. I hope that the pride you feel ads you walk across
the stage today is rivaled only by nostalgia with which you remember
this place and the relationships you forged.
The guests, ladies and gentlemen, this graduation ceremony is
significant to us for many reasons. Fore mostly its a testimony that
these graduates have come of age. They have experienced the

excitement and challenges of our pioneering



institution and have journeyed with us.

Its also an opportunity for us to showcase the triumphs of our
graduates. Its gives us the chance to inform of the successful things
which are happening here and to invite others to join this process.
Many of those who pass through this college come from ordinary,
humble backgrounds. But they proved that their past could not deter
the future.
On behalf of our institution and myself, I sincerely request the guest of
honor sir Dr. S. Selladurai to accept our heartfelt gratitude and love for
the part he played in making this ceremony viable and successful as it
My honest and humble appreciation to the parents, who have been








administrators and non-teaching staff have been very hardworking,

enthusiastic, diligent and dedicated and have shown complete
devotion to duty and worked as a team.
Dear graduates your crown is the certificate you are about to receive
today. We look forward to seeing how each of you put this education to
work in different fields, professions and research and confident that
you will make us proud.
We are in an era of great innovations and advancements. Opportunities
for progress us abound in almost all spheres of human endeavor. We
have new mediums for communication and collaboration that bring us

As you explore the world remember the time you spent here. As you
continue to learn and change, reflect on the times when you stumbled
and then succeeded. Recall how you have been pushed in the right
direction and stretched your imagination and spirit. Keep in touch with
each other and your mentors, and always remember that this campus
is a place that you can call home.
Once again on behalf of the college I extend my sincere thanks to the
chief guest and chairman for gracing the occasion. Congratulations to
all the graduates for qualifying to attend todays graduation ceremony.
Congratulations to all the parents who are present here to witness the
great moment in the lives of their sons and daughters. Congratulations
to the friends and relatives for being here to make this event
memorable. Let us give our combines best wishes to these young men
and women for their journey ahead.
Thank you.

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