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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 23, 2016

Why should we integrate Divinity in our daily living? What is the benefit? How
will the experience be? Bhagawan lovingly gives us a profound message today.

When you become conscious of the light, acquire wisdom and realise
the meaning of existence, you will be transported from agony to
ecstasy. Light here does not signify the light of the Sun, the Moon or
the lamp, but that of the heart. Wisdom does not refer to scientific
wisdom, but enlightenment brought about by the transformation of the
heart. What about existence? Awareness of your own true reality is the
proper meaning of existence. The awareness of your reality lies in the
realisation that you are not the body, the mind or the senses. True
realisation lies in understanding the fact that you are based on a
transcendental principle that goes beyond the boundaries of matter.
One should earnestly investigate the presence of Divinity in human life.
Awareness of ones own duty is tantamount to the awareness of
Divinity in human life.
- Summer Showers Ch1, May 20, 1996.

A peaceful mind is the abode of Love. Baba

23 mwrc,2016
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,Awpxy jIvn iv`c,idvXqw nUM ikauN dir`VH krnw cwhIdw hY?ies dw kI lwB hY?ies dw AnuBv ikvyN hovy
gw?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek FukvW sMdyS idMdy hn[
au`qr:jd qusIN,rOSnI bwry jwgrUp ho jWdy ho qW aus vyly bu`DImqw AwauNdI hY Aqy quhwnUM,du`K dI jgHW AwnMd dw
AwBws huMdw hY[ies rOSnI dw ArQ,sUrj,cMdrmW jW lYNp dI rOSnI nhIN hY pr ieh rOSnI ,ihrdy dI hY[bu`DImqw
dw ArQ,swieMs dI igAwn nhIN hY pr ihrdy iv`c AweI qbdIlI hY[mnu`K dI hoNd dw kI ArQ hY?hoNd dw AslI
ArQ hY, AwpxI AslIXq dw jwxxw[quhwfI AslIXq hY ik qusIN nw qW SrIr ho,nw mn Aqy nw hI
ieMdRIAW[Awpxy bwry s`cI AslIXq jwxxw,Awpxy-Awp nUM au`cw cukxw hY [mnu`K nUM,mnu`Kqw iv`c idvXqw huMdI
hY,ieh igAwn hoxw cwhIdw hY[jd mnu`K,AwpxI ifaUtI nUM,ifaUtI smJ ky inBwauNdw hY,smJ lau aus nUM mnu`K
iv`c,idvXqw dw AwBws ho igAw hY[(smr Swvr A`iDAwey iek,20 meI,1996)

iek SWq mn,ipAwr dy rihx dw Gr hY[(bwbw)[

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