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North Carolina State University - ClassEval Report

Page 1 of 4
Emplid: 200067894 Chelsea Meade
Term: 2015 Fall Acad Writing Rsch ENG 101 070 Courses surveyed - ENG 101 070

Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
-------Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Give suggestions on how
the course or how the
instruction could be
-------Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
-------Give suggestions on how
the course or how the
instruction could be
-------Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the

Her approachabiltiy made the class easier and made it easier to ask for help.
-------She was very relatable, always jovial, and went above and beyond to help her students, especially me learn the
material at hand.
It was fast paced, and taught us a wide variety of writing techniques.

Have more online resources to frequently check the quality of our work.
-------She makes class interesting and extremely fun
-------Ms. Meade is great, you should hire her full time.
-------Strengths -Very interactive and a lot of class discussions Weaknesses -None

Strengths -informative Weaknesses -None

North Carolina State University - ClassEval Report

Page 2 of 4
Emplid: 200067894 Chelsea Meade
Term: 2015 Fall Acad Writing Rsch ENG 101 070 Courses surveyed - ENG 101 070

Give suggestions on how

the course or how the
instruction could be
-------Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
-------Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the

No suggestions
-------She is very good at helping individuals when they need it and also communicating with them. She will respond to
emails in a timely manner and always gives helpful tips and information helping the student.
Weakness may be that attention dropped during the long duration of the class.
-------good teaching, great with being able to help and meet with students

I feel like the grading was interesting, one of my papers will be featured in the interTEXT books next year, which
Give suggestions on how
to me means it was flawless. My grade was generous, 92, but i felt that it could have received a higher grade. i
the course or how the
realized this is all subjective and it cant be changed. Just a odd quirk i thought of afterwards. Overall ,i really
instruction could be
enjoyed the class and really like how ms.meade was always available to help me, I liked English way more than I
thought i would.
--------------Comment on strengths
Stay enthusiastic towards future classes! And ask more open-class questions to students to make sure that
and weaknesses of the
everyone is clear on the material.
Give suggestions on how
the course or how the
Give small assessments every week or two.
instruction could be
--------------Comment on strengths
Very good teacher who explained everything well. Split the assignments up well so we had enough time to finish
and weaknesses of the
all of them to the best of our ability. Gave insightful feedback on ways to improve during and after our essays
were submitted. Only weakness was one assignment that not many people in the class felt good about

North Carolina State University - ClassEval Report

Page 3 of 4
Emplid: 200067894 Chelsea Meade
Term: 2015 Fall Acad Writing Rsch ENG 101 070 Courses surveyed - ENG 101 070

Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Give suggestions on how
the course or how the
instruction could be
-------Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
-------Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the

I gained a lot of writing experience and techniques that will benefit me in the future. The assignment about
critique theory was not a good assignment.
Just to make sure that the teacher goes at a pace that every person can handle in the beginning and every teacher
gives good feedback
-------The instructor interacts well with students and gives many opportunities for the students to ask for help. Teacher
may from time to time get off track but it doesn't hinder the progress of the students.
Most assignments do well at giving students the knowledge or understanding of a subject.
-------The teacher was incredibly enthusiastic to teach the material to her students, and she did so in an efficient manner.
Many of the strategies and concepts of rhetoric that she introduced to me are easy to apply and remember due to
her engaging and interesting teaching strategies.
The papers that we had to complete during this course really helped me develop as a writer, and the teacher really
helped guide us along the process to make everything seem simpler and less overwhelming.

While I greatly enjoyed this course far more than I had expected to and learned a good amount of techniques
Give suggestions on how
along the way, I would propose one suggestion. A large amount of the rhetorical techniques and times we spent at
the course or how the
the beginning of the semester discussing rhetoric and how it is used was not used as much during that time of the
instruction could be
semester. I feel like teaching this information when we work on our essay focusing on rhetorical devices might be
a more appropriate time.
--------------Comment on strengths
Ms. Meade is a great teacher, she always took time to thoroughly explain the material and set aside time for
and weaknesses of the
questions to ensure that everyone understood the assignment. She is probably one of my favorite english teachers
that I have ever had. Off the top of my head, I cannot name any specific weakness.
Comment on strengths
I think the course materials were very valuable, especially the Intertexts book, because it showed essay examples
and weaknesses of the
and gave a base for students to study and work off of, which was very helpful.

North Carolina State University - ClassEval Report

Page 4 of 4
Emplid: 200067894 Chelsea Meade
Term: 2015 Fall Acad Writing Rsch ENG 101 070 Courses surveyed - ENG 101 070

Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
-------Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Give suggestions on how
the course or how the
instruction could be
-------Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Comment on strengths
and weaknesses of the
Give suggestions on how
the course or how the
instruction could be

Of all my classes this semester, I enjoyed this one very much because Ms. Meade made our assignments and class
times fun. She always made sure we knew what was expected in each of our papers, and gave us plenty of
resources in class and on Moodle to help us become stronger writers.
I appreciated how the class was set up, in terms of paper due dates and deadlines; it made me stay on top of my
assignments, and I was never up for hours the night before a paper was due. I also liked the supporting
assignments to papers, because they didn't feel like "busy work" and were useful in class discussion the next class
-------Ms. Meade was very good with her students and offered much help with our papers. She always took time to
answer our questions and explain things we were uncertain of. She was also very good with the students and
succeeded in making her class interesting. Her strengths far outnumber her weaknesses. The only thing I can say
is sometimes the homework felt like busy work.
The course helped me to better understand rhetoric as well as different types of writing for different disciplines. I
also learned how to cite correctly. There were no weaknesses I can think of.
The course could be improved by supplying more examples of writing in the different disciplines and maybe
giving each student a assignment in which they had to write something that applied to their own specific
discipline/major to help them in the future.
-------Ms. Meade was a fantastic teacher. She was extremely receptive, helpful, and kind. Her enthusiasm and
personality really helped keep the classroom lively and keep students engaged.
Overall I believe the course is well designed.

I enjoyed this course and have no real ideas on how things could be improved.

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