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Integration of ICT:

Name of ICT How we used it:


Why we used it:


YouTube clips are played at

the beginning of lesson to
engage students and explain
a complex topic in an
interesting way. We used
YouTube videos particularly
to introduce a new topic to
the class.

YouTube videos engage

students in a fun and visually
stimulating way. It is an
interesting and effect way to
explain a complex topic to
students in a way they are
more likely to remember and
understand. Students may
retain information better
through the verbal and visual
presentation rather than a
text or teacher explanation.


TitanPad is used throughout

our lessons as a workspace
for students to work
collaboratively. We used
TitanPad in lesson one and
two as a workplace for
students to place their newly
discovered research on
endangered species (lesson
one) and threats to
endangered species (lesson

TitanPad is a secure
workplace for students to
work collaboratively. Each
student gets their own colour,
making it easy for teachers to
track each students
contribution. Teachers can
also monitor students work
as all changes to the
document are made in real
time. There are no emails,
logins or passwords required
making it very easy for
teachers to add students.


Marqueed is used towards

the end of lesson one
allowing students to place a
note for each of the
endangered species they
catalogued in the correct
place geographical range, on
their allocated continent. It
allows students to visually
witness the amount of
endangered species in the
world, and where they are

Marqueed is an online
collaborative tool, where
students can analysis and
comment on images. It is free
to sign up making it
appealing for teachers to
use. As all changes to the
image are made in real time,
making it extremely easy for
teachers to monitor student
contribution and follow
classroom discussions. Each
student gets their own user
name allowing teachers to
witness who is writing what.


SpiderScribe is used at the

beginning of the lesson of

SpiderScribe is an online
mind mapping, brainstorming

lesson two. It is used as a

tool for teachers to assess
students prior knowledge of
threats to endangered
species. Students are
required to use SpiderScribe
to brainstorm all they know
about their allocated threat.

tool. We used it within our

lessons as it allows students
to organise their thoughts
and prior knowledge in an
organised fashion. It allows
students to add a variety of
different documents to the
brainstorm including images,
maps, etc. It is a fun and
visually pleasing way for
students to write down what
they know.


The class Kidblog is used for

students to upload their
SpiderScribe for the teachers
to assess.

Kidblog is a secure blogging

service designed for students
and teachers. We have used
it in our lessons, as it is a
classroom network where
students can blog, view each
others thoughts and respond
to them. It is free which is
very appealing for teachers
and each student gets their
own private log in. Every
comment and blog is easily
monitored by the teacher,
making the space safe,
positive and appropriate.


We used Google Slides

throughout lesson three and
lesson four. In lesson three
students build and create a
Google Slide presentation
about their allocated threat to
present to the rest of the
class in lesson four.

Google Slides is an online

presentation app that allows
students to work
collaboratively. We have
used it in our lessons as it is
an easy and effective way to
show off students hard work
in a fun and visual way.
Changes to the documents
are made is real time,
allowing students to see what
others are writing and work


Kahoot is used at the end of

lesson 4 as a fun and
exciting assessment tool to
measure how much
information the students have
learnt and retained.

We have used Kahoot in our

lesson, as it is a powerful
summative assessment tool,
which is also a lot of fun.
Kahoot creates an exciting,
game-like environment.

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