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Duggan, Maeve. "Gaming And Gamers". Pew Research Center: Internet, Science
& Tech. N.p., 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.

Ferguson, Christopher. "The Hitman Study". N.p., 2016. Web. 16

Mar. 2016.

Fisher, Max. "Ten-Country Comparison Suggests ThereS Little Or No Link

Between Video Games And Gun Murders". Washington Post. N.p., 2016. Web. 5
Mar. 2016.

Kleinmann, Zoe. "Do Video Games Make People Violent? - BBC News". BBC
News. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.

Life, Digital, and Decade aggression. "Violent Video Games Linked To

Aggression". The Sydney Morning Herald. N.p., 2015. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.

Osswald, Silvia, and Tobias Greitemeyer. "Playing Prosocial Games Increases

Empathy" N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
Sifferlin, Alexandra. "Violent Video Games Are Linked To Aggression, Study
Says". N.p., 2015. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.
Violence in video games has been a very controversial topic over the past 20 years, from the
media and current affair shows linking these violent video games towards hostile actions in the

real world, to gamers of all genders loudly claiming that there is no such correlation between the
two. So, let's look at the facts:
(Gameplay in background) + (music of low volume)

Now before we begin stating the facts we shall lay some guidelines. The following report will be
focusing on two main points that the media is using against violence in video games. These
points are:
1. Violence in the virtual world of video games is the cause of violent actions in real
life such as massacre shootings.
2. Long term violence in the virtual world of video games leads onto the
desensitization of violence in the real world.
Now that we have gotten that out of the way let's begin:
A recent meta analysis by the American Psychological Association otherwise known as the APA
on 100 studies on violent video games published between 2005 and 2013 has concluded that
violent video games are linked to aggression but there is not enough evidence to suggest the
link to criminal behaviour. (Sifferlin, Alexandra published 2015).
However in response to this claim, a large group of academics had said this:
they felt that the methodology of the research was deeply flawed as a significant part of the
material was not subjected to peer review.(Kleinmann, Zoe published 2016).
To sum this up the APA had come to the conclusion that violence in video games increases
aggression by using multiple studies done on the subject of violence in video games between
2005 and 2013 which a large amount of academics had found that these studies had not been
reviewed by those working in the same field and may contain a bias towards this factor. In
addition one of the academics from this large group, Dr Mark Coulson, then goes onto state the
following; I fully acknowledge that exposure to repeated violence may have short term effects you would be a fool to deny that - but there is no sufficient evidence of long term consequences
such as crime and actual violent behaviour; If you play three hours of Call of Duty you might
feel a little pumped, but you are not going to go out and mug someone.(Kleinmann, Zoe
published 2016).
So the general consensus that can be formed from these two views is that, sure you may get a
little pumped up from playing games but it is not enough to actually make an individual go out
and mug or massacre others with guns. To further prove this view, lets take a look at graph
which compares video game consumption to gun related murders:
(SHOW IMAGE OF GRAPH) (Fisher, Max published 2016).
From what we can see from this graph, there is no identifiable trend between video game
consumption and gun-related murders.

This concludes the report for point 1.

Now onto point 2, long term violence in the virtual world of video games leads onto the
desensitization of violence in the real world. A study done by (Greitemeyer T & Osswald S in
2010) has come to the conclusion that there is no correlation between violence in games
desensitizing individuals to violence in real life. To save you time reading through the entire
article on how they came to this conclusion i will simplify the method they used in this study. The
simplified method was to get subjects to play violent games or in their terms anti-social games
and also used other subjects to play kid-friendly, peaceful games known as pro-social games.
After a certain amount of time set by the two researchers they would get a random person to
drop a pen next to the subjects, if they helped the random person by picking up the pen, they
were said to be non-violent and if they didn't help they were said to be violent. The hypothesis
that the two researchers had devised was that the subjects who played the prosocial games
were more likely to help out the random person and the subjects who played the anti-social
games were more likely to not help out the random person. But what they actually found was
bizarre to them, as it did not matter if the subject was playing an anti or pro social game as half
of the subjects that were used for both tests did the opposite of what was hypothesised. For
example a subject from the antisocial group, would help the random person and a subject from
the prosocial group wouldnt help the random person. So the two researchers came to the
conclusion that there is no correlation between violence in video games and the desensitization
of violence in real life, and that there must be another factor that causes an individual to become
desensitized. (Greitemeyer T & Osswald S published 2010)
Also in another study done by Christopher J. Ferguson, he came to the conclusion that
individuals who have a history of playing violent video games, have decreased hostile feelings
and decreased depression following a frustration test. Dr Ferguson studied 103 students who
were randomized to play no video games, a nonviolent video game, a violent game where they
played the good guy and a violent game where the subjects played the bad guy. At the end
of this he gave each young adult a frustration test and found that the randomized video game
play had no effect on aggressive behaviour, but those who had a history of violent video games
had decreased hostile feelings and depression through mood control. (Ferguson, Christopher
published 2014).
Now, at the end of this report you may be saying something like, The gamers were right, there
is no correlation between violence in videogames and violence in the real world, Gamers
Rule!!!! Well for now you can embrace those words to the fullest as they are true as far as we
know, but in the near future they may or may not be substantial evidence to support the view
that there might be a link between the virtual violence and real life violence. Thats it for now.
This has been Ethan Stevenson, and I bid you adieu.

CIPP Evaluation:

This is assignment was given to us to complete in a school environment and at home,
and since it was given to us during the middle of the school term, there was a significant
impact on all stages of this assignment due to the juggling and time management of
other assignments requiring longer dedication towards. Therefore the quality of the final
product of this assignment should not be compared to the works of products produced
in a real world environment as there is more time to focus specifically on the task at
hand in the real world. Also this task was mainly reliant on the individual's knowledge on
different applications such as Adobe Premiere Pro, used to edit videos. I, as an
individual have never used this program before requiring me to invest some more time
to learn some of the basics of this application compared to my peers who may do other
subjects that require video editing therefore have prior knowledge meaning more time
invested into the actual assignment.

The following programs were found to be appropriate and therefore were used in the
making and production of this task.
Adobe Premiere Pro: This program was used to edit my finished video clips and audio
clips. And was also used to produce the final rendered video.
Google Chrome: This web browser was used to find the required references needed to
create the report for the task.
Adobe Photoshop: Creating overlays for the video such as the text and pictures that
show up on the final video.
Audacity: To record my angelic voice for the finished product.
Adobe After Effects: Was used to edit the 2d free intro which was downloaded from
google chrome.
Weebly: Is a free website creation tool, which allowed me to create the website which
contains my final production of the video, a home page and a page holding my script
used in the video.
Also as an added time restriction at times the schools network would shut down,
resulting in the waste of a 45 minute period as most of the high priority applications
such as the adobe products required the internet for me to learn the how to use them.
Also it is a necessity for google chrome to have network connection as if it did not have
internet connection you were unable to do anything.

As an afterthought of the production of this task, it would of been a wise idea to create
and further develop a time management plan, as often I would find myself wasting time
as I had no idea what i should do next or what I should get done by the end of the week.
In a way I believe i both used my time management to full effectiveness and also very

poorly. This was because throughout the term of which we had to work on this, I had
wasted most of the in class time, as I was easily distracted by those around me.
Although i also believe that my final product was a success as i also believe that the
final product was up to a high standard given the time i actually worked on it at home.I
believe that i could have easily organised the development and design of this product, if
i could restrain myself to focus on the subject in class. In the event that a problem were
to occur such as the accidental overwriting of the video or if a specific program (Adobe
Premiere Pro) decided to not respond, i decided i would make a very basic video at first,
this video was created in a short amount of time, and had very limited edits and audio
that was of a much lower standard. After creating this i started on the more advanced
video, which included multiple edits, audio of quite a high standard, addition of credits
and overlays on the video. Also as i had forgotten to submit a draft of my script in the
confusion and stressfulness of block exam week, i had no peer review of my script
reducing the final quality of my script, which in turn may affect the final video.

The final product for this task was to create a website which would contain a welcoming
home page, a page which has a your final production of your video which was to
uploaded to youtube and embedded into this page, and a page which would contain
your script (with in text referencing) and references that were used in the video. My final
product addressed and fulfills these requirements. The website created has a
welcoming homepage, it has page containing my final product which was uploaded to and it also has a page which holds the script and references used in the
video. To get some feedback on the final product I showed two of my cousins. They
believed that the video was to a pretty high standard but also told me about some of the
things i could of changed. For example one of the recommendations i had gotten was i
should've used a higher resolution for the video instead of 720p i shouldve of used
1080p, another recommendation was that i should have used a better computer to
render the final product. Naturally i agreed with both of these recommendations as a
higher resolution wouldve made the video look of a higher standard and rendering the
video with a better computer wouldve made the video look more aesthetically pleasing.
Unfortunately, as i did not have access to a better computer to up the resolution of the
video and render to a higher quality this was not possible.

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