Camera Angles in Our Thriller Title Sequence

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Camera Angles Used In

Our Thriller Opening Title

By Ella McGregor

Zoom OutWe used a zoom out edit so we

get a build up of photos being
kept in this room. The
atmosphere is even creepier
the more images we get, which
has transitioned nicely due to
our choice to zoom out.

Wide ShotWe felt a wide shot would really help our

location(2) come across as a scary
environment. We wanted Jessica to come
across as very small compared to
everything else. Therefore this will
emphasize how young and vulnerable the
child is.

ShotA tracking shot was perfect to help

portray the young girl as being followed,

this helped our storyline come across to
the audience. Also builds suspense as
people will have a few questions on
where the movie is going to go.


The canted angle helps us

fully get across the
intentional use of a
Handheld effect. This was
essential as we need people
to fully understand that the
camera is in a antagonist

Mid-Shot This shot was very effective when filming

as even with a small shot compared to
the previously used wide shot Jess still
looks small and we get a closer look at
the mise-en-scene used, which once
again has enthuses on her age.

High Angle
The high angle shot is perfect to

make a character look vulnerable,

which was exactly what we wanted
for our young actress. This shot
make her powerless and weak.

Low Angle
ShotWe used a low angle not for
the generic use of
portraying dominance. But
for showing the young girls
playfulness and put
enthuses on her

Framed ShotThe framed shot makes the camera

come across as hidden and not
wanting to be seen. We wanted it to
look like the antagonize was watching
the girl, making the shot seem more

Extreme Close-up
-The extreme close-up allows the

audience to see a clear view of the

girls face. They can clearly identify no
mise-en-scene (such as make up) has
been used, making the girl come
across as innocent.

Over Shoulder

Once again puts enthuses of

the camera being in the
antagonized perspective.
Also shows the poster has
been put there recently
showing a timeslot for the
title sequence.

We decided to use a panning shot
because we thought it would make our
story clear that Jessica was being stalked
by someone who is hiding. The panning
shot shows that he is following her and
she is the antagonists victim.

Hand- held cameraWe decided to use a hand-held

camera because again we wanted it
to be from the antagonists
perspective as if they were filming
Jessica secretively and as if they

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