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Mark the correct answer.

1. I am a big fan of Brad Pitt and have seen all his movies hundreds of times. I think he is .
than any other movie star Ive ever seen.
A. the most handsome

B. most handsome C. more handsome D. handsome

2. My friends and I play in a school band. Our last concert was a great success. audience
clapped enthusiastically and sang along as we performed.
A. The

B. An


C. A

3. A new study of dolphins has further proved their intelligence. Recent experiments showed that
like humans dolphins can recognise in mirrors.
A. them

B. themselves

C. ourselves

D. they

4. Seven paintings by famous artists from a museum in the city of Rotterdam. The police
promised to find the robbers as soon as possible.
A. were stealing

B. steal

C. stole

D. were stolen

5. At present George ... a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good
publisher when the book is finished.
A. writes

B. write

C. is writing

D. writing

6. The salary is good and you get a company car and 30 days of holiday a year. Its certainly a
.. offer.
A. beautiful

B. pretty

C. good-looking

D. nice

7. Global warming in various regions leads to dramatic climate changes. These changes in the
Earths climate began to .. many scientists.
A. interrupt

B. worry

C. believe

D. think

8. - Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the station?

A. Sorry, Im a stranger myself.
B. Sorry, Im not free.

C. Sorry, Im afraid I need it myself.

D. Sorry, but youll have to wait.

9. Bald Eagles almost always live near water because their main food source is fish. Sometimes,
however, Bald Eagles eat dead animals. They even steal food from other birds! It was for this reason
that the famous patriot Benjamin Franklin preferred the Wild Turkey as Americas National symbol.
Nevertheless, the Bald Eagle remains Americas symbol.
Why do Bald Eagles usually live near water?
A. They steal food.
B. They protect their nests.

C. They eat fish.

D. They like to swim.

10. The magnificent Redwood Trees are some of the largest trees in the world! They are found
mostly in northern California, USA, where cool temperatures and misty rains allow them to grow.
Redwood Trees can live thousands of years. The oldest of these trees can grow as high as 90 meters.
Some rise higher than the Statue of Liberty! Redwoods trees are preserved in Californias Redwood
National Park.
Where do Redwood trees grow?
A. Where it is cool and dry.
B. Where it is cool and rainy.

C. Everywhere in the world.

D. Everywhere in the United States.

Key: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B

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