Rep. Pete Aguilar Appropriations Request To The Department of Homeland Security

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Congress of the United States meen, Bouse of Representatives Semana on tne ‘Bashington, BE 20515-0531 Scart on smote March 28, 2016 ‘The Honorable John Carter ‘The Hononble Lucille Roybal- Allard Chairman Ranking Member Subcommittee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Homeland Security House Appropriations Committe House Appropriations Committee 'B307 Raybum HOB 1016 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515 ‘Washingten, DC 20515 ‘Dear Chairman Carter and Ranking Member Roybal-Allard: ‘As you may know, I represent the City of San Bernardino, California. On December 2, 2015, four community experienced the deadliest terrorist attack in tie U.S. since 9/11. Since the attack, Thave worked closely with both the City and County of San Bemardino to address the issues raised by the attack, including funding for security and the response. The City of San Bernardino is going through bankruptcy proceedings and incurred a significant expense in their response to the attack, which has been hailed by experts as a model response. ‘The Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee handles many of the important funding, that can support San Bemardino at this time. As such, request thatthe Subcommittee consider the following request for inclusion inthe bill 1) Programmatic Request: $67,000,000 for the State Homeland Security Grant Program (matching FY 16's enacted), a $267,000,000 increase above the President's Fiscal Year 2017 request. (Dept. of Homeland Security; Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Assistance, Preparedness and Protection, Ste and Local Programs.) 2) Programmatic Request: $600,000,000 for the Urban Area Security Initiative (matching, FYIO6's enacted), # $270,000,000 increase above the President's Fiscal Year 2017 request (Dept. of Homeland Security; Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Assistance, Preparedness and Protection, State and Local Programs.) '3) Report Language: In the Fiscal Year 2016 Omnibus package, the Committee created a ‘new program to assist communities responding to emergent threats from violent extremism. The $50 million dollars appropriated to this program will assist state and local governments in preparing for, preventing, and responting to complex, coordinated terrorist attacks with the potential for mass casualties and infastructure damage. As the ‘Committee awaits the full implementation ofthe program it would note thatthe purpose ‘ofthe program isnot only to assist in prospective actvitis like training and exercises, but also to assist state and local government in responding tothe after-the-fact challenges that arce after an executed terrorist attack, These challenges cold ince, bt are not limited to, reimbursements to local governments fr sponse costs, the securing of | locations in need of enhanced security, and other associated activites. ‘Thank you for your consideration. If you require further information, do not hesitate to contact ‘me or Wendell White, my Military Legislative Assistant, at (202) 225-3201. Sincerely, BA pul Pete Aguilar Member of Congress

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