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Greek and Latin Roots


-aud(to hear)

1. aerodynamic (er--d-na-mik)adj. having a shape that

reduces the drag from air moving past
2. aerial (er--l) adj. performed in the air
3. aerie (er-) n. the nest of a bird (such as an eagle or hawk)
built high up on a cliff or on the top of a mountain
4. audiology (o-d--l-j) n. a branch of science dealing with
hearing; specifically : therapy of individuals having impaired
5. auditorium (o-d-tor--m) n. a large room or building where
people gather to watch a performance, hear a speech, etc.
6. audiovisual (o-d--vi-zh-wl) - adj. designed to aid in
learning or teaching by making use of both hearing and sight
7. audition (o-di-shn) n. a short performance to show the
talents of someone (such as an actor or a musician) who is
being considered for a role in a play, a position in an orchestra,
8. inaudible (in-o-d-bl) adj. impossible to hear

Greek and Latin Roots

For crossword
aerodynamic The newest Boeing airplane has a more _________ shape than before which
helps increase its gas mileage.
Aerial The spectators watched in awe as the circus performers executed their amazing
_________ routine high in the air.
Aerie The eagle, perched high in his _________ searched for his next prey.
Audiology The doctor of _________ studied the results from the childs hearing test.
Auditorium We watched the Paredes theatre department perform the one-act play in the
Audiovisual The sixth grade students had to create an _________ presentation for their
PSA project.
Audition - Because she practiced for her _________ she felt confident that she would land
the role in the play.
Inaudible Sallys voice is usually _________ and her friends often struggle to hear her.

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