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Mandy Pisciotta

Professor Suk
EDUC 230-01 Education Field Experience
Spring 2016
Ice Breaker
The Name Game
Age: 14-18

Grade: 9th-12th

Subject: English

Index cards with numbers written on them: one for each student in the class

As the students enter the room, have them pick an index card with a number on it.
Each student will think of a book that starts with the first letter of their first name.

Repeats are ok as the students will not know what each other chose right away.
The student with the index card with the number one written on it will go first, stating

their first name and their book title.

The student with the index card with the number two written on it will then state the first
persons name and book, continuing the pattern by stating their name and book. As the
list gets longer, it is ok if the student cannot remember each book, as long as they

remember each others names.

The next student will go, naming each student before them and the book title. This pattern

will continue until each student has gone.

Finally, the teacher will go through naming each student and book name in order, as well
as stating their name and favorite book.

Source: In high school, my Spanish teacher did a similar activity. She had each student chose a
Spanish word that started with the first letter of their name, and then had us go around the room
trying to remember our classmates names and Spanish word. It was a fun way to learn each
others names, and it eased us back into speaking Spanish. With my twist, not only will it help
me as well as my students learn each others names, its a fun way to learn more about different

reading materials and to see who else in the class has read the books being mentioned. Hopefully
this activity gives my students the sense of community that every classroom should have.

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