Habitat Loss - Alex A Jasmine H

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Habitat Loss

By Alex Aguilar & Jasmine Henry

Conservation & Environmental Sciences

What is Habitat Loss?

Habitat loss is the greatest threat to survival of wildlife in the United States and
globally. There is 3 different types of of habitat loss; habitat destruction,habitat
fragmentation, and habitat degradation.

Habitat destruction is the
process in which a natural
habitat is rendered functionally
unable to support the species
present. In this process, the
organisms that previously used
the site are displaced or
destroyed, reducing

Habitat fragmentation is the
process by which habitat
loss results in the division
of large, continuous habitats
into smaller, more isolated

Trash and waste
being surrounded by
animal habitat,
unable for animals to
stay. Causes them to
travel or get

More on habitat
loss through
Land sometimes become less suitable as a habitat even if its not converted to other uses. When suburban
development and road building take place, it carves large sectors of land into fragment ,, the undeveloped

parcels may be too small or isolated to support viable populations of species that thrived in the larger
ecosystems. This process, which is called habitat fragmentation, reduces biodiversity by:
Splitting populations into smaller groups, which may be less viable because it is harder for the isolated
individuals within the groups to defend themselves or find mates
Increasing crowding and competition within the fragments
Reduces species' foraging ranges and access to prey and water sources
Increasing friction between animals and humans as animals range into developed areas

-It affects 85% of all species described in the IUCN's red list (species that are
officially threatened or endangered
-Increasing food production is the main cause for things to shift from natural
habitat to agricultural land
-Habitat loss happens because of the expansion of agricultural land, intensive
harvesting of timber, wood for fuel, forest products, overgrazing, urban
development, or water projects (including dams, hydropower and irrigation)
-Overgrazing is when animals eat too much of the grass that vegetation is
damaged and the ground is liable to erosion

Statistics part 2
The net loss in global forest areas during the 1990s was about 94 million ha
(hectare; metric system unit of area equal to 100 acres, 10,000m2), which is
equivalent to 2.4% of total forests)
It is estimated that in the 1990s, almost 70% of deforested areas were
converted to agricultural land.
Around half of the world's original forests have disappeared, and they are still
being removed at a rate 10x higher than any possible level of regrowth
Human impact on terrestrial and marine natural resources results in marine and
coastal degradation
Population growth, urbanization, industrialization and tourism are all factors.

Places and species that have

been affected
It is estimated that an average of 1.15 million ha of forest per
annum has been lost on Borneo between 2003 and 2007
a combination of logging (legal and illegal) and expansion of
the oil palm industry is largely responsible
oil palm is the worlds most productive oil seed
demand for it has increased 9% per annum in the last decade
its demand is driven by the food and cosmetic industry as
well as its usage as a biofuel (fuel derived from living matter)

Borneo pt 2
The combined effect of logging and oil palm expansion in Indonesia is resulting in
the worlds highest deforestation rate in 2006
Deforestation results in the homes of orangutans and pygmy elephants being
destroyed as well as thousands of plant and animal species who are being
Other threatened wildlife in borneo include: rhinos, clouded leopards, the sun
bear, and endemic bornean gibbons
The island is home to ten primate species, over 350 bird species, 150 reptiles and
amphibians, and 15,000 plants

History of Habitat Loss in the U.S

Most of the world's endangered species -- some 25 percent of mammals

and 12 percent of birds -- may become extinct over the next few decades
as warmer conditions alter the forests, wetlands, and rangelands they
depend on, and human development blocks them from migrating
As building and roads take the place of forests, deserts, prairies,
savannas, and as human made disasters are forced to make the
animals habitat smaller or more crowded space.
If they can find a new place to live, it is usually founded with other
animals which leads to animals dying out.

History of Habitat Loss in the US part 2

Some species are more adaptable than others
The climate is changing faster than at almost any time in our planets
Some animals are able to live under different weather conditions, others
live under one
Climate change leads other species to migrate who are unable to
handle the weather

U.S vs Global response

US - Vegetation model projections suggest that much of the United States will
experience changes in the composition of species characteristic of specific areas.
Studies applying different models for a range of future climates project biome
changes for about 5% to 20% of the land area of the U.S. by 2100.
Global - For terrestrial ecosystems, habitat loss is largely accounted for by conversion
of wildlands to agriculture, which now accounts for some 30% of land globally. With
more than half of the world's population now living in urban areas, urban sprawl has
also led to the disappearance of many habitats, although the higher population
density of cities can also reduce the negative impacts on biodiversity by requiring the
direct conversion of less land for human habitation than more dispersed settlements.

Pictures D;

borneo pictures

Oil palms & an orangutan :D

Habitat loss pictures pt 3

WWF Global

Defenders of Wildlife

What do they do to help prevent

habitat loss?

What do they do to help prevent

habitat loss?

Case Study: In the eastern Himalayas over 7,500

domestic biogas plants have been installed with the
help of WWFs support. Saving over 100,000 tons of
fuelwood a year, diminishing carbon emissions and
providing communities with a safe, clean and
reliable fuel.

For decades, Defenders of Wildlife has played a

leading role in helping shape smart conservation
policies for managing national wildlife refuges,
national forests, and other public lands because these
areas, owned by all Americans, represent some of the
last best places for wildlife to thrive.

List of Organizations Helping

- International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
- Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
- Defenders of Wildlife
- Panthera
- Save the Manatee Club

What can we do as a class?

We can create habitat for wildlife in your own yard! Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat
near your home, school or business. Plant native plants and put out a water source so
that you can provide the food, water, cover and places to raise young that wildlife
need to survive
We can also reach out to these companies and collaborate with them

"Habitat Loss - National Wildlife Federation." Habitat Loss - National Wildlife Federation. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.
"Impact of Habitat Loss on Species." Impact of Habitat Loss on Species. Web. 03 Feb. 2016.
"Impact of Habitat Loss on Species." Impact of Habitat Loss on Species. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.
"Impact of Habitat Loss on Species." Impact of Habitat Loss on Species. Web. 03 Feb. 2016
"Borneo Habitat Destruction - Google Search." Borneo Habitat Destruction - Google Search. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.
"Borneo Habitat Destruction - Google Search." Borneo Habitat Destruction - Google Search. Web. 03 Feb. 2016

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