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Grace Culbreth
3454 Manor Lane
APT 205
Birmingham, AL 35209
Bachelor of Science in Education,
Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama
Major: Early Childhood/Special Education/Elementary Education
Collaborative Degree (Class B Certification)
Highly Qualified, Samford GPA: 3.282 Major GPA: 3.793

May 2016

Student Teaching
Paine Intermediate School- Student Teaching- 3rd grade
-Prepared and taught a unit on fossils.
-Participated in professional development with teachers.
Rocky Ridge Elementary School- Student Teaching- 1st grade

Spring 2016
Spring 2016

Clinical Experiences
Homewood Middle School- Special Education- 6th,7th, and 8th grade
-Prepared and taught lessons to full enclosure students as well as resource students
Hall Kent Elementary School- Special Education- preschool 3 year old class
-Prepared and taught lessons on patterns and counting.
Oak Mountain Intermediate School- Special Education- 3rd grade resource room Fall 2015
-Prepared and taught lessons to resource students.
Tarrant Intermediate School- 3rd grade
-Prepared and taught math lessons.
Trace Crossings Elementary School- 1st grade
-Prepared and taught lessons.
-Led technology professional development for teachers.
-Led early intervention for struggling students
Brookeville Elementary School- 4th and 5th grade
-Observed in a rural classroom setting.
Cherokee Bend Elementary- 2nd grade
-Observed in a suburban classroom setting.
Avondale Elementary school- 1st grade
-Observed in an urban classroom setting.

Fall 2015
Fall 2015

Spring 2015
Fall 2014-Spring 2015

Spring 2014
Spring 2014
Spring 2014

Professional Development and Organization

First Day of School Observation, T.R. Simmons Elementary School
ARA Conference, volunteer
ELL training
Gifted Training
Disproportionality Training and certificate
Spoke at EdCamp at Trace Crossings Elementary School
AMSTI training
Organized and led at Space Day
Organized and led Centennial Day
Organized and led at The Young Authors Conference

August 2014
November 2014 & 2015
Fall 2014 & 2015
2014 & 2015
August 2015
May 2015
Spring 2015
Spring 2015
Fall 2014
Spring 2015

Activities and Honors

Kappa Delta Pi, Member
Deans List

Chi Omega Fraternity, Member

May 2015- Present

Fall 2014, Spring 2015,
Fall 2015
Fall 2012- Present

Board Maker
Promethean Board
Assistive Technology Devices
Chrome Books

Work Experience
Sales person, The Keyhole Boutique, Jasper AL

Spring 2011-Fall 2013

-Was responsible for using the cash register, doing inventory, and arranging the store.

Spring-Winter 2013

-Responsible for the cash register, taking peoples orders, as well as stocking and cleaning the restaurant.
Babysitting ages 2 weeks- 13 years old

2008- Present

-Responsible for children from the ages 2 weeks to 13 years old. Responsible for taking children to after school
activities, picking them up for school, making dinner, and putting to bed.

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