Unit of Work

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Resources: (Specific to the challenges reference to equipment, teaching and learning resources (e..g

6 weeks
40 minute lessons

Year 8

task cards), and ICT equipment)

Netballs, Bibs (including netball bibs), Dome cones, spot mat, Netball posts
Flash cards, Ipads, Mini white boards and pens, Question cards, work sheets, assessment sheets (see individual
lessons on website)

Curriculum Aims: (Specific

the purpose of Physical education and
the which of the 4 aims this unit
Are physically active for
sustained periods of time
(DfE, 2014:1)
Pupils will endure 6 weeks of
Netball activities, in which
activities will allow them to
develop their physical
competence over sustained
periods of time.
Engage in competitive
sports and activities (DfE,
Pupils will have the
opportunity to embed the
skills and components of
Netball learnt, into
competitive scenarios,
games and matches during
this unit of work.


(first statement links aims to End of Key stage Statement; second statement links to specific elements that
pupils should be taught using the language of the end of key stage statement; final statement links to specific skills whole school
curriculum aims and numeracy and maths / literacy and language to be developed)

Pupils will be able to:

Focus on developing a variety of skills that they can apply within game activities, to outwit
Implement attacking and defending strategies and techniques to outwit opponents within a
game based situation, utilising their knowledge and understanding of rules and regulations.

to prior learning at KS2/3:

Running, Throwing and catching (fundamental skills)
Working in a team
Following rules of a game
Undergoing different roles within a game

Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate e.g. Netball and apply basic principles suitable for
attacking and defending (DfE, 2013:2)
Language and Literacy (L & L):
Through the activities implemented within this unit of work, pupils will be able to understand and use
words/terminology related to Netball, such as;
Positions on court
Principles of attack and defence
Types of passes
Communication on court
Rules, regulations and tactics
Key concepts covered:
Outwitting opponents
Developing skills
Making and Applying Decisions
Analysing own/peer performances
Developing mental, physical and social capacities

Health & Safety: (link to 3

categories of risk management must be
accompanied by a full risk assessment
Things to consider (including
Clothing and footwear
Respecting others
Abiding by the behavioral school
roles/responsibilities on court
Rules and regulations are
Sportsmanship and respect
Lesson content is correct
Pupils endure different
Lessons are always 45 minutes
Equipment and resources
The environment
How many pupils are present
Extra support (TA)
SEN support (if necessary)
EAL support (if necessary)

Inclusion Strategies: (Link to National curriculum inclusion statement categories specific to unit)

Setting suitable learning challenges:

Learning activities will be suitably challenging for pupils; including regression and progression throughout.
Planning has been considered in accordance to the NCIS which indicates teachers should plan stretching
work for pupils whose attainment is significantly above/below or come from disadvantaged backgrounds
DfE, 2013:8)
Assessment (formative and summative) has been implemented during the unit of work to set targets for

Responding to pupils needs and overcoming potential barriers for individuals and groups of pupils:
Equal opportunities have been taken into account when implementing activities and using different resources
and teaching strategies
The learning environment is suitably challenging for pupils, whilst being stimulating and engaging.
Formative/Summative assessment strategies have been implemented throughout

Outcome/Process: (Specific

Core tasks: Weeks 1-3

learning outcomes aligned to specific

aspects being taught in the unit aims
and objectives using the language of
the end of key stage statement)

(specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that
phase of the unit)

Pupils will know how to

perform a variety of
Fundamental skills (Aims)
whilst referring to specific
terminology (L & L). They will
understand how to develop
technique (2) within their skill
performances and analyse
performance (2)

Examples of core tasks focusing on the Fundamentals of

Netball, Passing and Shooting:
1-2 Stick like glue: Pupils will start on a designated line and fall
forward. They can practice falling on both feet to gage which one feels
comfortable. After this, pupils can practice '1-2 stick like glue' (see
teaching points) within the line, in which they demonstrate falling on
one foot and pivoting back around.
They will then run around within a Netball court and at the sound of the
whistle pupils must jump and stretch as if they would for a ball and then
land and pivot.
2v2 Mini passing game: Pupils are split into group of 4, with a 2v2
set up. Teams have to use a variety of passes and can score a point
when they have used each pass within a sequence (e.g. chest pass,
shoulder pass and bounce pass).
Rotate the teams so everyone gets to play against different people.
Run the Gauntlet: In groups of 3, pupils run and pass along their line
whilst progression through the thirds of the netball court. When one
group has passed the first third, the next group proceeds.
Shooting Practice: Pupils will be split into pairs. Designate a netball
post to each pair (can use a low basketball hoop if required) and place a
5 spots down in a variety of places on the floor within the shooting D.
Both players will start at either end of the Spots and in order to move
onto the next spot, players need to score on the previous spot first. First
players to score at all 5 spots, wins.
Killer: Pupils are split into groups of four and given a Netball post each.
At the Netball post each player takes it in turn to shoot from a specific
spot within the Shooting D. The first player will shoot, if they miss,
player 2 can shoot as well and if they then score, player 1 is knocked
out etc... Players that miss their first shot, shoot from wherever the
Netball falls to next.
If a player gets knocked out, they can move on to another netball post
to practice the technique of shooting.
Rebounds: Pupils are split into groups of four and given a Netball post

Compelling / irresistible
learning: (What environments,
teaching styles, interactive
opportunities, Out of hours learning,
extension / enrichment , themes will
be used to make this unit motivating
and exciting for the learners?)

The use of ICT resources

can engage pupils
Pupils can practice and
perform a variety of skills
Varied teaching
resources worksheets
and flash cards
Stimulating environment
or pupils to work
independently and as a

each. There are 2 feeders located outside of the Shooting D (wearing

Centre and Wing Attack bibs) and 2 players starting outside of the top
of the Shooting D. Player 1 will pass to either feeder, and run into the
Shooting D to receive the Netball and shoot. Player 2 must react and
retrieve the Netball and shoot, if player 1 misses the target.
Players must not use the same feeder each time.
Rotate the positions after every 4 passes.

Outcome/Process cont.

Core tasks: Weeks 4-6

(Specific learning outcomes showing

progression from weeks 1-3, linked to
the specific aspects being taught
outlined in the unit aims and objectives
using the language of the end of key
stage statement)

(specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that
phase of the unit, should show progression from the previous phase)

Pupils will know how to

perform a variety of
Fundamental skills within
strategical scenarios to
outwit opponents (Aims)
whilst referring to specific
terminology (L & L). They will
understand how to develop
technique (2) within their skill
performances and analyse
performance (2) and
furthermore can work in a
team to overcome situations

Examples of core tasks focusing on Positional, Attacking

and Defensive and Game play:
Positions Test: Mini whiteboards are given to pupils in pairs, with an
empty Netball court drawn on it, alongside an arrow that show which
way a team is attacking/defending. With 2 different coloured pens,
using the Warm-up activity as guidance (number 1), pupils must write
down where the positions stand on the court at a Centre pass. This is
then discussed and the teacher shows (on the big whiteboard) where
they can run. This may be revision for some pupils.
Pupils are then given a set of flash cards with questions on them that
join up to their answer on another flash card. Everyone has 30 seconds
to match as many as they can.
End Zones: Pupils are divided into teams of 4 in order to play 4v4.
There are two end zones where players must receive the ball to earn a
point. Players must keep possession and pass the ball to the end zones
to score a point. Once they have scored in one end zone they have to
attack immediately to score in the other end. Additionally, when a
player intercepts the ball, they receive a bonus point for their
team. After 5 minutes of playing, teams have to discuss how they are
going to attack and defend.
5v5 Attack and Defend: Pupils are divided into teams of five to
create a game of 5v5 within two thirds of the Netball court (reduce size
of area if you do not have access to more than one Netball court. Four
squares are marked out by spot mats within the area and the aim of the
game is to receive a pass within one of the squares.
7v7 Game play: Pupils will be split evenly into teams of 7 to undergo a
round robin tournament in which they can experience a range of
positions and their responsibilities. When a goal has been scored, the
defending team have to answer a question regarding anything that has
been covered over the Unit of work. When a team is sat out they can
help with the umpiring and scoring (see extended activities)

Compelling /
irresistible learning
The use of varied
teaching resources
Flash Cards, Mini
White Boards.
Pupils can undertake a
variety of roles on the
Netball Court.
opportunities are
offered for pupils.
Stimulating learning
environment for pupils
to work as a team

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