Petroleum Exploration Energy Limited: Efgdfd Please Endorse Fully, The Official Online Question For

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Please endorse fully, the official online question for

Petroleum Exploration Energy Limited

Note only Successful and Shortlisted Applicants will be contacted.
(1) Briefly describe your career
(2) Why did you choose this Career?

(3) What goals do you have in your Career?


(4) How do you plan to achieve these goals?


(5) What specific goals have you established for your Career?
. .

(6) How do you determine or evaluate success? Give an example of one
of your successful accomplishment

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prospective applicants are fore-told, if employed will be responsible to pay for

his/her work permit fees to
our immigration consultant as would be directed. As questions of applicants
asking company to pay will
not be
entertained, applicants who are not able to pay their work permit fees should
decline, as this is the policies

(7) Have you ever had difficulty with a Supervisor or Instructor? How did
you resolved the



(8)Tell us about a major problem you recently handled, were you successful
in resolving it?

. (9) Can you work effectively under deadlines or

Pressure? .....................................................................................





(10) Tell u s a bou t a t im e when y o u fa iled to m eet u p w it h a

deadline , what wer e t he consequences





(11) Do you have Reference list?


(12) Why do you want to work with Penn Petroleum Corporation?


(13) Why should we hire you over the other Applicant Waiting to be

(14) Give detail of your present Employment Status

(15) How soon can you travel down to any location you are posted to


(16) How many companies have contacted you online for job, and what

(17) Which is more important to you the job itself or your salary?


(18) What three specific job position do you target from the company?
Give us your full detail on the following

Direct contact number
Provide two E-mail Address Example. Gmail and

Email (1)Email (2)

(19) What position are you applying?


(20) What is your current monthly salary?

(21) What is your expected monthly salary?
Prospective applicants are fore-told, if employed will be responsible to pay
for his/her work permit fees to
our immigration consultant as would be directed. As questions of
applicants asking company to pay will
not be
entertained, applicants who are not able to pay their work permit fees
should decline, as this is the policies
Will work as a good staff, work for the progress of the institution. Good Luck!
Please ensure that all information provided is true and correct. Petroleum
Exploration Energy Limited Reserves the right to investigate on all
information and details supplied. Falsification of documents, incomplete
data and or In-correct information is ground for Denial or Disqualification or
Termination of Employment.

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