Quiz Badlab Carolynperry

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GRADING RUBRIC (for rewrite of lab)

1. Use a specific, descriptive title.


Leave the numbers in each section

ABSTRACT (Summarized version only!)

2. Prior knowledge.

3. Question

4. Hypothesis

5. Procedure

6. Results

7. Conclusion

8. Prior knowledge

9. Citation (short version)

Shorten the citation to just the name of the website here
and put it in parentheses

10. Observations.


11. State the problem in the form of a question.

You removed the titles of these sections

This needs to be a list

12. Use the if, then, because format.


13. What scientific equipment did you use?
14. What steps did you take?

This needs to be a list

15. Data Table

Why did you put the data table down lower? It goes in the

16. Graph


17. Pattern Statement

18. Evidence

No clear pattern. Which was biggest? Which was smallest?

19. Hypothesis Reflection

20. Two Errors

21. Conclusiveness

22. Inference

23. Connect your research (TWO)



25. Cite using MLA format (full version)(Use EasyBib)


Dont say correct. Say the data supported





Introduction: Gum is a bendable solid that turns into a squishy, moldable substance when chewed.
Question: Which gum will have the longest lasting original flavor?
1. Buy 1 stick of gum from 4 different gum brands.
2.Chew each piece of gum, one at a time.
3.Time how long you chew the gum until its no longer sweet.
4.Record the data on a piece of paper or in a separate document on a computer or device.
5.Repeat step 2-5 with a different brand of gum until one piece of each pack of gum has been chewed.
Hypothesis: If I eat one stick of each piece of gum then I will know the Juicy Fruit gum has the most flavor because I have
eaten all the flavors and it has lasted the longest.
Results: Dentyne gum lasted 2 minutes, Wrigleys gum lasted 4 minutes, Juicy Fruit gum lasted 8 minutes, Trident gum lasted
30 seconds
Conclusion: Juicy fruit kept its flavor the longest. Juicy fruit is best.

Lab Write Up Checklist

Dont rely on just this checklist! Use your full lab write up sheet to help you.

Which Gum is Most Flavorful?

ABSTRACT (Summarized version only!):
There are 4 different brands of gum. One person will try one piece of gum from each individual pack, one at a time. The
person will time how long the gums original flavor lasted. The question of this lab is, Which gum will have the longest lasting
original flavor? If I eat one stick of each piece of gum then I will know the Juicy Fruit gum has the most flavor because I have eaten
all the flavors and it has lasted the longest. To find out the answer to this question, we had to first buy supplies needed (four gum
packets). After that, one person needed to chew one piece of gum from each packet one at a time. While we were doing this
procedure, someone needed to record the time of how long the original flavor of the gum lasted. The group needed to write down the
data from the timer on a piece of paper. Finally, we needed to repeat steps 2-5 until one piece of each gum pack has been chewed and
recorded. The results are that Dentyne gum lasted 2 minutes, Wrigleys gum lasted 4 minutes, Juicy Fruit gum lasted 8 minutes, and
Trident gum lasted 30 seconds. In conclusion, the lab was a success and the groups hypothesis was correct. Juicy fruit was the gum
with the longest lasting original flavor.
There are 4 different brands of gum. One person will try one piece of gum from each individual pack, one at a time. The person will
time how long the gums original flavor lasted. "Juicy Fruit Gum." Juicy Fruit. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. I have observed that
Tridents original flavor lasted the shortest amount of time and Juicy fruit lasted the longest.
Which gum will have the longest lasting original flavor? If I eat one stick of each piece of gum then I will know the Juicy Fruit gum
has the most flavor because I have eaten all the flavors and it has lasted the longest.
In this activity, the materials we needed to complete this assignment included four packs of separate
To find out the answer to this question, we had to first buy supplies needed (four gum packets).

brand gums.

After that, one person needed to chew one piece of gum from each packet one at a time to find out which original gum taste lasts the
longest. While we were doing this procedure, someone needed to record the time of how long the original flavor of the gum lasted.
Someone from the group needed to write down the data from the timer on a piece of paper or document on a computer or device.
Finally, we needed to repeat steps 2-5 until one piece of each gum pack has been chewed and recorded.
The Juicy fruit gum had lasted 8 minutes and the trident lasted 30 seconds.
In conclusion, the hypothesis of the group was correct. Juicy Fruit was the gum with the longest lasting original flavor. In the original
bad lab, one of the errors the group had made was the question was inappropriate. It was asking something that the experiment was
not about. This experiment was not conclusive because it was only tested once. Each gum was tested one time.
This experiment has confirmed that Juicy Fruit has the longest lasting original flavor whereas the Trident gum has the shortest lasting
original flavor. Juicy Fruit lasted longer than any other tested gum flavor. Juicy Fruits website is https://www.JuicyFruit.com/ .
"Juicy Fruit Gum." Juicy Fruit. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
"Juicy Fruit Gum." Juicy Fruit. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

Steps of experiment
Step one:

Buy one stick of gum from 4 different gum


Step two:

Chew each piece of hum, one at a time.

Step three:

Time how long you chew the gum until it's no

longer sweet.

Step four:

Record the data on a piece of paper or in a

separate document on a computer or device.

Step five:

Repeat step two-five with a different brand of

gum until one piece of each pack of gum has been
~Timed flavor~

30 seconds


4 minutes

Juicy Fruit

8 minutes


2 minutes

The Juicy fruit gum had lasted 8 minutes and the trident lasted 30 seconds.

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