Your Brand Viveros M

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My Logo


MCV are my initials

The music note represents my love for music

Red, black, and gray are my favorite colors

#musicalmodality represents quality, expression, sensory

perception, and aid in both music as well as therapeutic

Top 5 Strengths
My top 5 strengths are a reflection of my knowledge, skills, and practice (Rath, 2007). All
represent how I relate to and direct others as a leader. As a relationship-builder I hold my
role as a leader as upholding my responsibility to create and maintain meaningful and
productive relationships. Through communication with others I encourage feelings of
positivity and woo to promote success. Effective communication for a leader involves active
listening and understanding, and being able to relate to others. All strengths are
interrelated, and allow me to lead through action with focus on my relationships with
others, keeping in mind their feelings and behaviors as well.

Mission Statement

Tag Line

With self-reflection of the past and present I will

lead with demonstration of just, ethical, and
responsible behaviors for the development of a
harmonious future.

Making Music with Every Note

As a leader, with the simplest

note I can help others create

Behaving in a way that exemplifies genuine

concern for others

Incorporates all for the

attainment of a goal

Guides effective and productive leadership

Promotes strong and purposeful relationships

Each note makes up a song as

each player makes up a team

Theory Analysis
A behavioral approach to leadership involves task-oriented behaviors to ensure goals are
achieved through direction, and people oriented behaviors to provide concern and respect
of others (Leadership Central, 2016). As a leader and relationship builder I focus on modeling the behaviors I desire my peers to demonstrate, and provide necessary direction to
encourage progression toward a goal . The behaviors I model result from my peer relationships, ethics, and morals. Songs often reflect mood, and not all moments as a leader are
stress free. Therefore my actions may momentarily differ given the situation. Moments of
team success, stress, or change will be influenced by my behaviors, thus composition of
direction and support will help me lead others to harmony.



Year 1: I will submit an abstract of my systematic review

to AOTA with an aim to present at the poster presentation
during AOTAs 2017 conference, the research will highlight
a topic relevant to my clinical setting.

Year 5: I will relocate to Los Angeles, California in the

year 2021 to work at the Los Angeles Children's Hospital
in order to provide therapy, mentorship, and advocacy for
youth in order to provide needed services to the community I originate from.


Year 10: By 2026 I will start my own business for home

modifications in Los Angeles, California in collaboration
with my father, and his thirty years of commercial and
home construction experience.

SGA Vice President

With a strong desire to lead my cohort members and assist
our cohorts class president I ran and was elected to be 2016
cohort Vice President. I was responsible for networking with
the Henderson and TUN community to set up fundraiser
benefiting the social and academic events for cohort 2016. I
was able to generate positivity and woo among the cohort
members by providing occupational balance through
promotion of each fundraiser. This experience has sparked an
interest to continue to lead others by becoming an active
member of my states occupational therapy association.

Intramural Volleyball Coach

As a leader encouraging others talents and occupational
balance is of great importance because both allow for long
term productivity. I encouraged my cohort members to join
the volleyball team as a means of occupation balance, fun,
and team building. As the coach I aimed to showcase all
team members talents, provide encouragement, and
promote commitment. This experience challenged my
leadership abilities as this season was both an academically
and personally demanding time. However, I was able to
behave with a positive attitude and fulfill all responsibilities.


Leadership Central. (2016). Behavioral theories of leadership. Retrieved from http://

Rath, T. (2007). Strengths finder 2.0. New York: Gallup Press.


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