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Social Justice

Moving from Los Angeles to Henderson was an adjustment for me because I grew up in
the same small suburban community for all of my life. Being in an unfamiliar environment
allowed for new opportunities to take place for both personal growth and networking. I now had
the opportunity to become part of a new community within the Clark County area. The
occupational therapy program as well as the Touro University Nevada (TUN) community
emphasized the importance of serving others who are in need. Initial participation in community
based events was to build a connection with the community while providing services for
marginalized populations.
My social justice experience began during the first semester at TUN where I volunteered
at the annual Las Vegas Open for wheelchair tennis. The event was sponsored by the Paralympic
Sport Club of Las Vegas and was a great start to my journey at TUN. I was able to assist during
the tournament by feeding the balls to the players to better facilitate the tennis matches. I enjoyed
my time at the tournament because I was able to be a part of such a great event promoting
continued participation in competitive sports for such talented athletes. During third semester I
participated in a walk raising awareness of chiari I malformation and syringomyelia. These two
are rare neurological disorder that many are unaware of. I along with a classmate was able to
bring awareness to the local Henderson, Nevada community by walking in a CSF sponsored
event in the local mall along with friends and family members of individuals living with these
two diagnoses.
During fifth semester, I gained a deeper understanding of the need for justice and equality
for all populations. This was done through discussions with my peers, readings of the various
populations affected by this concept, and the final project specifically dedicated to a
marginalized or oppressed group. Although this class was only three weeks long, I feel that I
have an increase awareness of the factors that can influence an individuals social positions and

how it can affect their health and well-being. As a future occupational therapist, working with
various populations, I can utilize what I have gained at TUN in daily practice.

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