DOKU Enterprise Brochure 2014

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the better way to pay

we are DOKU
PT N usa Satu Inti Ar tha ( dba DO K U) is
Indon esias l ar gest and fastest gr owing
pr ovider of el ectr onic payment solutions.

Easy to integrate,
secure and
reliable gateway
DOKU Enterprise for a
Customized Payment Solution

We provide electronic payment processing, online and in mobile

applications. Enabling e-Commerce merchants of any size to
accept a wide range of online payment options, from credit cards to
emerging payment types.
We partner with and connect directly to a large network of payment
processors and other payment service providers to offer a one-stop
solution for our clients providing simplified electronic payment
management. Our payment solutions are enhanced with the most
advanced risk management features to address complexities and
risk of online transactions. We are a certified PCI DSS Level 1
compliant payment gateway and a licensed operator for e-money.
Founded in 2007, DOKU has a well-established track record in
designing, integrating, and optimizing e-commerce transaction
systems for local and international merchants in various industries.
From our headquarters in Jakarta, we currently process payments
valued in excess of USD500M per year on behalf of over 800
businesses in and outside of Indonesia.

O u r EN TER P R ISE So lutions

O n lin e Payme nts

Hosted Payment Page

Enterprise Bridge

This is the simplest and most inexpensive integration method

available to our merchants. DOKU will handle all the credit
card details and management. When customers reach
the checkout page, they are redirected to a DOKU hosted
payment page.

This option allows your server to communicate with our

payment systems and to store additional transaction
information. You are hosting the payment page and customers
will be redirected to DOKU pages during the checkout process.

A ra n ge of payment methods can b e accepted wi th DOKU an d all are

p rocessed in r eal-time . By pr oviding a seamless payme nt solution, DOKU
h elps you r b usiness in ma ximizing sales reven ues.
To s ta rt accepting payments, you ca n choose from an y in tegration
met h ods t h at b es t suit you r b usiness needs an d technical requirements.

No card data collected, stored or transferred on your site

Card details are handled by DOKU
Compatible with shopping carts and token payments
Default design available
Customizable to merchants look and feel
Supports all credit cards and additional payment methods
No limitations of hardware or software
3D Secure Authentication

Collect and store additional transaction information

on your server
Develop your own transaction reporting
Card details are handled by you
Link payments to your back office software
Need SSL Certificate and must be PCI DSS Compliant
3D Secure Authentication

Frame Page

Enterprise Gateway

This option lets you integrate payments seamlessly by

securely capturing the credit card details in one single step
with iFrame on your checkout page. This is the most flexible
and cost-effective integration to maintain when using a
hosted payment page.

Enterprise Gateway is a white-label payment solution

giving you complete control over the way you process
payments. Collect the credit card details through your own
secure servers and securely pass them across to DOKU for
authorisation and storage.

Card data is handled by DOKU

Customizable via style sheet that you control
Seamless flow so your customers never know they are
not on your website

Customers stay at your site

Design, host and manage your own payment pages
Build your own transactional reporting
Need SSL Certificate, 3D Secure Merchant Plug-in and
must be PCI DSS Compliant

TOK E N Paym ents

DOKU enables merchants to process payment with Token.

Merchants can offer to store shoppers payment information so
details only have to be entered once, creating a more convenient
check out experience.

Subscription Pay ment s

Our recurring payment solution is designed to ease the

management and control of repeated transactions. The DOKU
subscription payment solution is developed for certain business
models that require payments at regular intervals such as
memberships or digital content subscriptions.

With this system, you can:

With DOKU subscription payments, you will be able to:
Tokenize cards one at a time or in bulk
Always get the same token for any card number
Trigger payments against the token using our APIs
Trigger payments in bulk via our batch service

M OB I LE Pay m ents
If you are equipped with an Android, iPhone, 3G or web-enabled
mobile solution and want to add mobile payment capabilities, we
can provide either an API plugin or an iFrame. DOKU will securely
host your payment pages in your companys look and feel. We are
invisible to your customers. DOKUs mobile payment solution is in
full compliance to security standards. Unlike normal Android and
iPhone apps, DOKUs mobile payment solution is fully compliant
as the card number is entered into a page hosted by a compliant
payment gateway.
DOKUs mobile payment solutions allows your customers to:
Pay with DOKU Wallet
Pay by Credit Card
Pay with bank account

Ensure a steady and reliable cash flow

Reduce costs in collection of payments
Increase customer retention
Reduce your exposure to PCI DSS Compliant requirements
when you store credit card numbers in your system

Ris k a nd F r a ud M a n ag e m e nt
Best In Class Risk Management

Premium Fraud Management

DOKU strives to save as many sales for our clients as possible

while diligently confronting fraud. DOKU deploys its own neural
data management platform to manage domestic fraud, enabling
our risk teams to make reliable and quick decisions when
challenging transactions. We have 7 years of rich local enterprise
data in our platform to more completely and accurately detect
fraud. By teaming up with ReD Retail Decisions, a global leader
in fraud management, our solution becomes unique in terms of
richness of data in reducing your exposure to global fraud risks.

When a business has a specific need for more stringent fraud

screening, you can choose to add a premium fraud-screening tool
and analysis service to create the ultimate anti-fraud protection,
completely tailored to your business needs.
DOKU provides analysis, design, modeling and monitoring
expertise to optimize transaction conversion, while increasing
acceptance rate and keeping chargeback threshold below the
industry standard of 1%.
DOKU provides:
Fully hosted and managed in-house fraud screening
Real time monitoring of merchant payment traffic
Unlimited rules configuration
Custom behavioral analysis by local and international experts

M e r cha nt Suppo r t
Advance Reporting

Client Management

DOKU provides easy access to detailed information about all your

payment activities from our cloud-based portal called DOKU Office.
The advance-reporting interface offers professional and intuitive
tools making it easy to manage and reconcile transactions.

We provide a range of customer implementation and sustaining

support services to ensure a high level of performance, reliability,
and satisfaction for our customers. Our IT and Operations team
is available 24 hours a day. Our offerings include phone support,
e-mail, chat, and self-help through tutorials and guiding documents.
Premium support is also offered to our enterprise customer
delivered by a dedicated technical account manager.

Our support team can also provide customized reports for clients
who have specific reporting requirements. This is especially useful
for customers who need bespoke reports, accurate notification of
transaction data, detailed analysis on payment trends and fraud

W e cat e r to bra nded mer ch an ts an d lar ge

e n t e rp ri s e s f r om var iou s in d u str ies
A f ew o f o ur cli e nt s

PT Nusa Satu Inti Artha

Plaza Asia Office Park Unit 3
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59 Jakarta 12190 Indonesia
T (62-21) 515 0555
F (62-21) 515 0666

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