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(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Intention: By the end of this lesson students will be able to recall and demonstrate basic game tactics/strategies including contested
marking, making a lead, drawing a man, leading and full ground drills
Pre-lesson organisation:
Bibs, 32 cones
Teacher sets-up full ground drill for end of class activity
Teacher sets-up 5-star kicking drill as well prior to lesson commencement
16 footballs
16 cones

Learning Area Outcomes:

Strand: Movement and Physical Activity (MPA)
Sub-Strand: Moving our body (MB); Learning through Movement (LM)
Focus Areas: Games and Sports (GS) Active Play and Minor Games (AP) Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)



(What students do)

(What to look for)

Task Management
(Management of Student Group)

Beginning class organization:

Class is to be paired up into 3s by the teacher

The 3s have to go to the allocated line where to start

Make sure each pair know hat they are doing.

Three Man Weave

In the groups of three, students are to
practice the three-man weave to
demonstrate newly developed dribbling
and passing skills.

Ball starts to middle person who

passes to the person on the right,
while also running around the
back of the player that now has
the ball.

Outside player is now in the


This player then passes to the

person on the outside of the left,
as well as following through.

The person on the left is now the

person in the middle.

This keeps repeating itself.

Last person as a shot on goal.

Bridging organization

Are the students demosntrating the

key teaching points they are learnt
before for passing and dribbling?
Are the students running to make
room for a pass to made to them?

Teacher has students stay where they are in their pairs but calls 1 pair out to help demonstrate with the
Teacher reinstates the KTPs of marking from the partner kicking drill and how varied trajectories are relevant
to games and how the ball isnt always going to be delivered how they want it to
Now introduce the extension of the last drill by asking students to get into groups of 3, 1s are the kicker, 2 is
an attacker (marker) and 3 is the defender
Teacher introduces defending and attacking and its combination with leading
*contested marks* in gameplay
Teacher provides practical demonstration to class who gather around the drill
1 of the pair selected at the start is in the contested mark with the teacher other of the pair kicks the ball up for
them stationary tussle for mark

Lesson Plan Template 2015



In groups of 3, 2 are tussling for
the mark from the other group
member at the other end who is
kicking the ball to the assigned
Focus on overhead or chest
mark, student (attacker) must
choose which one is most suited
for the kick
*gameplay tactic, choosing which
mark is most suited*

Is the attacking student
selecting the correct mark
for the situation?
Is the defending student
demonstrating defensive
tactics which will be
introduced in the next

Is the kickers skill of kicking

accurate enough for the drill
to be effective?

No overzealous of contact
between attacker and
Girls paired with girls for this
Ensure when the lead is
incorporated there is sufficient
space between groups so they
dont interfere with each other

Ensure to rotate the roll


Introduce incorporating a lead for the

ball to take the ball on the run,
*increased difficulty


Bridging organization


Blow whistle and call students in, tell them to collect 1 piece of equipment each on their way in
Teacher discusses how important it is to time the lead and dish off a handball to a moving target, relating this
to gameplay scenarios
Quiz the students on the KTPs again to help them learn, e.g. what is the opposite to kicking hand used for?
Answer should be for balancing
Teacher has students even up cone numbers (4 on each cone)
Once this is down a slowed down version of the drill is demonstrated for the students to understand
Emphasizing leading to the kicker and pointing where they want the ball, along with loud communication
Ensure students understand to get front and centre to the marking contest on that particular cone

(What students do)

(What to look for)

4 people on each cone either
kicking or handballing to the next
Strong emphasis on leading and
at speed to incorporate game
*follow diagram below for
Ensure students know to lead
when the kicker is ready and the
front and square must receive the
handball from the person marking
an making the lead

Running hard off the cones for
the lead
Pushing through to the next
Long accuracy of kicks, does
this flow and look like what was
taught in the KTPs?
Following through with the kick

Task Management
(Management of Student Group)



Front and square meaning

run and get to the front of
where the person leading will
mark the ball
Add a second/third ball so not
everyone is watching the 1
ball from all over the field=
less pressure when theres
more balls

= teachers main coaching

observation positions

Lesson Plan Template 2015



Bridging organisation:
Teacher blows whistle and calls students in with all the equipment to be brought in
Introduce a full ground drill which incorporates kicking, marking and goal kicking and handballing
Reiterate the ktps of marking and leading for a mark
Progress to getting 3 students on each cone then walk through the drill slowly so students understand, get them to
demonstrate the drill so the teacher knows that they know what to do
2 balls, each side of a full football
oval group kicks to the next letter
of the alphabet shown on the
This incorporates kicking, handballing,
leading and marking ensuring the students
understand the importance of all these


Task management:
Work rate to the next cone,
(similar to gameplay working to
next contest)
Kicking to a target on a lead
Dishing of the handball to the
moving target
Goal kicking? Are they putting
the ktps of the drop punt into
practice for goal kicking?
*Important* are they
choosing the correct
marking technique? Chest
mark? Overhead mark?
Employing the w for the
overhead mark
Tucking the elbows in for the chest

Teacher going around to

each cone and watching the
movement patterns and skill
Is there enough intensity or
does there need to be
another ball employed
Stopping play when something
important and worth noting occurs for
enhanced understanding to students:
look for a smooth effective passage of
play finishing with a goal

Lesson Plan Template 2015


Closing Organisation:

One student from each group collects a cone

Students with balls in hand hold onto the ball without kicking it on the way back in to where the student is situated

= where students go



okay so today we did contested marking, making a lead, drawing a man, leading and full ground drills which will link
with next weeks advanced tactics and gameplay going into the tournament 2 weeks after
ensure to remember all the KTPs provided on how to do the skill

Lesson Plan Template 2015

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