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Structure of a Research

Proposal or Report

INFO4990: Information Technology Research Methods

DECO3008: Design Computing Prep Honours
Mary Lou Maher
March 2005


Introduction to topic
Literature Review
Research Methodology
Proposed Approach
Research Schedule


Introduction to topic
Literature Review
Research Methodology
Research Results

Introduction to topic
Start with a summary and significance of your title
Motivation: what will we have when the research is done
Significance: where are the holes in what has been done
Aims, Objectives, Claim, Hypothesis, Research Questions

Literature Review
Critically review the research literature in the field that
you intend to make your contribution
Summarise the contributions of relevant literature
Identify relevant claims, methods, validation
State the relevance to your research

Research Methodology
Relate your claim to the method and to the validation
around one or more research methodologies:

Case Study
Action Research

Proposed Approach

How will you collect your evidence?

Have you started the research?
What is your big idea?
Are there any preliminary results?

Research Results
How did you collect your evidence?
What are your results?
Did you idea work as intended?

Research Schedule
Identify the major tasks to complete the research
Tasks should be derived from the methodology
Identify the length of time to complete the tasks and
the order in which they will be done
Notice any tasks that will be done at the same time
Draw a gantt chart

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