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MAY 05, 2014

930am 1130am

Honor the Lord this morning

with a Prayer.

Learning Sessions for

1) FNA Review understanding again the
value of using Financial Needs Analysis
2) FNA Mastery memorizing the script and
delivering it properly
3) Health Insurance why our prospects
need Health Exentials and Health Max
4) Persuasion Pitfalls things to avoid when
persuading the prospect

Review of the previous


Previous Learning Session:

Taking Your Prospects Temperature

Taking Your
Prospects Temperature
Always look before you leap
Before jumping into a pool
What do you do first?
Feel the water to check if its too cold or just right.

Before going for the CLOSE

What do you do first?

Check the prospects buying temperature.


Taking Your
Prospects Temperature
Failure to Use Trial Closes
3 Primary Reasons Why Agents
Dont Use Trial Closes

Agent is not finished selling and does not want

sales pitch to be interrupted.
2. Agent confuses Trial Close with the Alternative
Choice Close.
3. Agent is not prepared / doesnt know how to use one.
Important Note
Because Trial Closes are so non-threatening, they can be used early
in the sales presentation and as often as you feel the need to check
the prospects temperature.

Taking Your
Prospects Temperature
The Trial Close
Ask for an opinion first
* The answer will indicate the prospects
readiness to buy
* If the prospect isnt hot enough to buy, dont ask him to buy

Questions you could ask

How does it sound so far?

Does that make sense?
Is this what youre looking for?
What do you think?
How close do you feel this comes to meeting your needs?
Any question that starts with In your opinion?
can be an effective trial close.

Taking Your
Prospects Temperature
Trial Close Responses
Is this what youre looking for?

Absolutely! Ive been looking for that for a long time.

It looks great! Go for the close by asking for the business.
Its sort of what Im looking for Dont go for the close.
Present more benefits and reasons for the prospect to buy.
Then use another trial close to test waters again.
Not really. Stop selling first. Re-qualify your prospect as to what
his need is. If you continue to sell, you might annoy youre prospect.

Taking Your
Prospects Temperature
Leading to the Close
Absolutely! Ive been looking for that for a long time.
It looks great! Go for the close by asking for the
The Recommendation or Suggestion Trial Close

Act as a Resource Person and make a recommendation or

suggestion that moves the prospect towards a decision in your favor
What I recommend is that you start with a Health Max so that you and
your family will be well protected just in case something happens to you.
How does that sound to you?

Taking Your
Prospects Temperature
Leading to the Close
Absolutely! Ive been looking for that for a long time.
It looks great! Go for the close by asking for the

The If I / Would You Trial Close

Basic formula is, If I (am able to do this) would you (do that)?
If I am able to show you a way to save money and protect your family
within the budget youve just mentioned, will you start with the plan
right away?

Taking Your
Prospects Temperature
Leading to the Close
Absolutely! Ive been looking for that for a long time.
It looks great! Go for the close by asking for the

What We Can Do Next? Trial Close

Get the prospect to agree upon a next action.
It looks like this plan is going to work for you and your family. What we
can do next is to get the paperwork together and have it

Taking Your
Prospects Temperature
Stay Away from NOs
Two ways in avoiding getting a NO

1. Do not ask for the business.

Just wait for the prospect to buy.
2. Test the waters before jumping in through the
use of Trial Closes.


Todays Learning Session:

Winning through FNA!

Winning Through

Winning Through FNA



Winning Through FNA

Common Objections


Common Objections

Ayoko mag-memorize ng script!

Wala akong oras aralin!
Kaya ko naman eh, kahit wala.

Nakakita ka na ba ng aktor
na walang script?


Common Objections
Its too complicated
Ang daming pasikot-sikot pa, pwede namang
diretso na
Tantya ko 'kung ano ang bagay sa prospect ko
ang dami ko ngang benta na 1M sum insured
Kaya mo ba yon?!?

Uso na ba ang mga doktor na

nagrereseta na wala munang

Common Objections
Naku, FNA
Di kasi ako yan.
Parang di natural sa akin, di naman ako
ganyan magsalita
Natatawa nga sa akin ang mga kaibigan ko

Sila lang ba ang mga

tao sa mundo?

Common Objections

Ay English!
Pero pwede bang hindi ko na gawin yan?
Di na kaya ng powers ko eh

Eh di sulitin mo powers mo!


Common Objections
Ginamit ko na yan
Sinunod ko na ang lahat ng
sinabi ng makulit kong ADM
(buti nalang mabait sya)
Pero di naman effective,
la namang bumili sa akin.

Oy wala yan sa
sandata ha, nasa

Common Objections

Ang laki naman ng FNA Kit!

Di nga magkasya sa table ng
pinrestentan kong doktor!
Ayoko nang gamitin

Eh pag mas malaki

ang benta mo dahil
dyan, di mo pa ba
gagawan ng paraan?

Winning Through FNA

Why FNA?


Why FNA?




People buy, and continue

to buy, when they believe
their needs are met.

Why FNA?

People are SICK and TIRED of being
pushed around by hard-sellers, and
are looking for advisors to TRUST.


Why FNA?

It Works
Designed to be concise,
vivid, fact-based, & needand budget-sensitive


Why FNA?

Successful people do it

All we have to do is imitate what they

do. In fact, the FNA is the key to
success in this business.

Why FNA?

Its the Foundation for

Repeat Business and
You may get the
sale once, but will
you get it again?


Winning Through FNA

Additional Info


Additional Info
Dream Tables
Based on a company survey backed by actuarial stats.
Marries clients need with affordability.
Income Protection
21-45 y.o. (highest need) = 3-4x of annual salary.
0-20 & 46-55 y.o. (moderate need) = 2-3x of annual
56-70 (least need) = 1-2x of annual salary.
Based on a percentage of monthly income (4-9%),
depending on age of the child.

Additional Info
Dream Tables
Ranges from 6-20x the annual income.
Based on how affordable the solution is based on
income, not on the income per se.
More detailed discussions/computation can be done
through the Detailed FNA Worksheets.


Additional Info
The 3Ms of Memorizing
Memorize It Word-for-Word


Get ready for

IA & FA - FNA accreditation!
Insurance Advisor & Financial Advisor
Financial Needs Analysis Accreditation!
ALL BRANCHES will have it this MAY!
Check your schedules now!

From Agency Learning

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