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Silver Bullet Utah Republican state delegates

Date April 13-17, 2010 Accumulative

# of calls 8,864
# of surveys 1,287
Q1. Do you approve or disapprove of the
job Republicans are doing in the U.S.
Senate? (such as stopping the Obama
Approve - 458 (35.5%), Disapprove - 618
(48%), ndecided - 211 (16.3%)
Q2. What is the most important issue Economy, Gov. spending, protect constitution,
facing the U.S. Senate today healthcare, budget, small government
Q3. About 47 percent of all US
a.    Yes, we should have no federal income tax - 57
households will pay no federal income
tax in 2009. The result is a tax system that
b. Yes, that is why we have tax deductions
exempts almost half the country from
and tax credits - 17 (1.3%)
paying for programs that benefit
c. No, when people don’t
everyone, including national defense,
pay federal income taxes they are more inclined to
public safety, and education. Do you
want more government programs. They don’t
think this type of income tax system is
understand their true costs- 218 (16.9%)
good for the country?
d. No,
everyone should pay their fair share - 586 (45.5%)
e. Undecided - 409
Q4. If the Republican State Convention
were held today, who would you be your
first choice for the Republican Lee - 456 (35.4%), Bridgewater - 193 (14.9%),
nomination for U.S. Senate? Bennett - 189 (14.6%), Eager -131 (10.1%), Cook -
16 (1.2%), Undecided - 302 (23.4%)
Q5. Who would be your second choice? Lee - 283 (21.9%), Bridgewater - 341 (26.4%),
Bennett - 61 (4.7%), Eager -155 (12%), Cook - 14
(1%), Undecided - 433 (33.6%)
Q6. What is it about _____ that makes Lee - protect constitution, Bridgewater -
(him/her) your first choice for U.S. Senate business background, Bennett - experience,
(open ended)? Eager - fresh blood, Cook -
can relate

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