Alexander Elseroad BA 101 SEA Numbro Tres

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Alexander Elseroad

BA 101
SEA numbro tres

What is delegation? Identify four reasons that managers have trouble delegating.

Delegation is the assignment of authority through other less powerful figures.

The four reasons that managers have trouble with delegation is:

Managers, may not be trained in that department that they are delegating.

Managers may not feel that they are adequately fit to develop people for that assignment.

Managers may already be inundated with shit to do.

Managers may want to develop a team that is cooperative, but sadly the team doesnt do much to help the manager meet his

1.Briefly describe the five basic forms of departmentalization.

Functional departmentalization jobs are organized by relevancy.
Product departmentalization. Each product is departmentalized. For example. Experts in pet beds would manage
pet beds. Experts in pet treats would manage the production of pet treats.
Geographical departmentalization jobs are organized by territory or location.
Process departmentalization this is organized by the method of different flows of production that may stray from
the original product flow.
Customer departmentalization is the grouping of jobs on customers that have common needs regarding the
manufacturing of the product.

2.List and describe the five most commonly used tools for TQM.
Check sheet : a structured system of raw data to be analyzed.
Histogram: This chart shows what is being distributed, frequencies, new trends, etc.
Cause and effect diagram. ( New causes for an effect, or issue./ Organizes ideas into a chart.
Control charts: Tracks changes over a duration of time.
Scatter Chart: Looks for relations regarding data.

3.List and detail the transformation process.

Changes made into a business that can save or wreck it.

Changes of purpose<Why am I doing this>

Chages of ownership< Who owns what, and how they will handle it>
Changes of Supply.
Changes of transport.

4.Define Equity Theory and how it would relate to the pyschological contract.
Equity Theory relates to how the distribution is equal to either party. This would relate to how the person interacts
with the environment and the surrounding people in his exchange. (I Think>

5.Define and contrast Theory X and Theory Y.

Theory Y states that if the environment and work factors are favorable people will do well. Intrinsic motivation in

Theory X states that employees are put off, no motivation, in general just dont care. Their workload will be poor.

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