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American Lit Research Paper

Name: Lily Dlhosh

Date: 2/24/16
Secondary Sources Critics Quotes Organizer
I plan to show the theme is present in the following character(s) _Napoleon_&_Snowball_____
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Brockington Orwells second major theme is his fear of the

all-powerful state with its expedient life. In
Animal Farm, Napoleon is certainly the most
equal of all. He is cynical, brutal, and above all
pragmatic. Once in power, he will do whatever
is necessary to keep his position. The
propaganda and lies, the whip, and the vicious
dogs are all part of the corruption of the dream.
Ultimately, the animals have even less than
before; and the new ruling class looks and acts
like Mr. Jones and his men. Indeed, at the end of
the novel, Animal Farm is renamed Manor
Farm, and the practices that meant so much
during the early revolutionary period have been
abolished. A dictatorship has been established;
the dream is dead.
WhalenPage Snowball: Snowball, a young boar whose
chief rival is Napoleon. Snowball is modeled on
Leon Trotsky and so represents intelligence and
organizational ability rather than brute force. It
is Snowball, for example, who writes the Seven
Commandments on the barnyard wall, who has
the idea of building the windmill, and who
studies the books left behind by Mr. Jones to see
what practical benefit he can extract from them.
Like Trotsky, Snowball is exiled after the
revolution and is falsely made out to be the chief
villain of Animal Farm.
Napoleon: Napoleon, a young boar who ousts
Snowball and assumes complete power over the
other animals. While Snowball is studying
human science, Napoleon trains a litter of dogs
to become his secret police force. Napoleon
corresponds to Joseph Stalin, who ousted
Trotsky after the death of Lenin and who then
led bloody purges against possible and imagined

I think that this critics statement supports my

ideas because it shows that

Shows that Napoleon takes leadership over the

farm but will do anything to keep his power. He
enforces fear to maintain a powerful dictatorship.
He believes he is the best but makes the farm even
worse than how he started. His leadership was not
good for the farm or the well-being of the animals.
The farm started out on the path of the dream Old
Major had and started to fail with Napoleon took
over. He turned into a dictator while the power
shouldve been evenly distributed throughout the
animals if they wanted to carry out the dream.

This shows that Snowball and Napoleon are both

the leaders, one is intelligent and knows what is
best for the animals while the other leader is
greedy and only cares what is best for him.
Napoleon takes his leadership way too far and
comes to represent a dictator. He takes advantage
of his power and uses it in the wrong way. He
will get rid of anyone or anything in his way with
the help of his trained dogs.

American Lit Research Paper

Secondary Sources Critics Quotes Organizer
The farm is led by a dictatorial boar named
Napoleon, they finally became human beings
walking on two legs and carrying whips just as
the old Farmer had done. At each stage of this
receding revolution one of the seven principles
of the original rebellion becomes corrupted, so
that no animal shall kill any other animal has
added to it the words without cause when there
is a great slaughter of the so-called sympathizers
of an exiled pig named Snowball, and no
animal shall sleep in a bed takes on with
sheets when the pigs move into the human
farmhouse and monopolize its luxuries.
Eventually there is only one principle left,
modified to all animals are equal, but some are
more equal than others, as Animal Farm, its
name changed back to Manor Farm, is
welcomed into the community of human farms
again after its neighbors have realized that it
makes its lower animals work harder on less
food than any other farm, so that the model
workers republic becomes a model of exploited
He (Napoleon) is ruthless in carrying out his
and Naden
plans for his own betterment. Greed is his
overall characteristic, a motive that never
changes throughout the novel. Napoleon
becomes better and better at satisfying his own
goals and needs and in duping the other animals
into believing that he is doing it all for them.
Each new project that takes all their energy
keeps them from questioning whether their lives
are truly improved. Napoleon is a master of
propaganda, as was Stalin. And like Stalin,
Napoleon uses ruthless tactics to gain his

This shows that Napoleon used his power and

leadership only to end up just like Manor Farm.
He believed he was making the farm better than
before but nothing changed, it only got worse. He
changed the original commandments to
correspond to his plans of being the leader of the
farm, but always had Squealer to give reason
behind it. The animals on the farm werent smart
enough to catch him in his lies so Napoleon did
eventually become the leader of the farm, even if
he wasnt a good one.

This shows that Napoleons leadership is for him

only, hes characterized as greedy and selfish. He
stays like this through the whole book and tricks
the animals into believing that his actions are for
the farm and the animals on it. They are
constantly busy with work from Napoleon that
they dont have time to think about his reasoning
behind everything or the outcome of their work.
Napoleon is pitiless and cruel and will not stand
for anyone to question, or get in the way, of his

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