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Research Paper

Name: C.J. Windham

Date: 2/24/2016
Secondary Sources Critics Quotes Organizer
Theme: Intelligence
I plan to show the theme is present in the following character(s): Napoleon and Snowball
name of

Copy the line(s)/text that you would like to

include in your essay.

I think that this critics statement supports my

ideas because it shows that


The pigs, the cleverest of the animals on the

farm, develop Majors teachings into a coherent
system which they call Animalism and which
they secretly teach to the rest of the animals in
preparation for the revolution which the Major
has foretold.

This shows that the pigs were of the highest

intelligence and showed great amounts a
cleverness in their ways. They capture the theme of
intelligence by making themselves standout
learning and gathering the ways of humans
educating themselves to take themselves to the
upper echelon as the elites and ones looked up to
for smartest decisions on the animal farm.


Another recognizable technique: revision of the

past. The Seven Commandments``unalterable
law''are revised one by one to suit Napoleon's
purposes. Also the democratic meetings are
changed to assemblies where Napoleon issues his
orders. The workers are often puzzled but they
absorb everything they are told and thus become
perfect subjects for manipulation.

The pigs mainly Napoleon and Snowball create a

list of Seven commandments for the animal farm to
abide by. They write and memorize the rules, this
shows exactly how the theme was depicted in the
pigs as their mind was able to retain all information
they read about and begin able to apply it is a
terrific manor to lead and basically govern the
inhabitants of the farm in an intelligent manor. In
fact Snowball wrote the Seven Commandments on
the barnyard wall, gave the idea of building the
windmill, and studies the books from Mr. Jones to
learn and extract data and information to help out
in every way possible while Napoleon on the other
hand learns much like Snowball but doesnt use his
intelligence for power to help but negatively takes
power over all with the theme.
Napoleon and the pigs show the theme intelligence
in this quote by gradually gaining more
intelligence until the power becomes
overwhelming. Napoleon also starts closing deals
with humans showing the ability to be just as smart
as people. The pigs switch up the original quote
and change it in a way to trick and manipulate the
other animals to separate themselves once again
through intelligence setting themselves apart with
the theme and gaining power from the action.

Fitzpatrick However, as the years pass, the pigs, cleverest of

the animals, gradually assume more and more
power as a new elite under their leader Napoleon.
The revolutionary ideals of equality are replaced
by a new hierarchy, and the slogan "All animals
are equal" is extended by the clause, often quoted
since, "but some animals are more equal than
others." At the end, the farm reverts to its original
title, Napoleon restores relationships with the
human farmers, and when the other creatures
peep in the farmhouse windows they "looked
from pig to man ... but already it was impossible

Research Paper
Secondary Sources Critics Quotes Organizer
to say which was which.


The pigs, more firmly in power, hire Mr.

Whymper as intermediary. They negotiate with
humans in Willingdon and move into the
farmhouse, rephrasing the Seven Commandments
to accommodate luxuries for the ruling party. To
the threat of a pullet uprising, Napoleon applies
an embargo on hen feed, which results in nine
dead chickens. To hush up the brief internal
defection, he issues an official lie, "that they had
died of coccidiosis." (Orwell 1946, 77)

Napoleon and the pigs show the theme intelligence

in this quote by gradually gaining more
intelligence until the power becomes
overwhelming. Napoleon also start closing deals
with humans showing the ability to be just as smart
as people. The pigs, Snowball in particular, switch
up the original quote and instead of helping the
other pigs manipulate the other animals to separate
themselves once again with their intelligence.

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