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No Blood, No Bruises, No Cries of Pain

the article,
Andrew intimidation,
Brennan concludes
social that
or influence,
they simply require Internet access." He gives us a

few premises that back up his article.

By the following premises the author includes to help us understand what he is trying to say we look carefully at each one, for
example Bullying has evolved at the speed of technology. The growth of social media throughout our technology has made it
easier for cyber bullying to also rapidly grow and have an effect in our teens it has turned it into a weapon. It is amazing how
paralyzed teenagers are by the fear of being deemed a "rat" by their peers, teenagers nowadays are worried about what others
might say, what makes them cool and what does not. Our last premise is Much like a tree falling in the woods with no one
there to hear it, the victim utters no sound. Their pain is silent. They do not bruise or bleed Here our author uses an analogy, like
a like a tree falling in the woods with no one there to hear it, our teenagers are not making one sound, because is all through a
phone, a computer screen is hidden, no one sees it nor hears it.

Is Facebook Creating a Temptation Generation

In the article, by Mel Layos he concludes What I am calling for is a little participation in the analog world. Unplug for one day
a week. Play flag football instead of Madden 10. Build houses for Habitat for Humanity instead of a barn in Farmville. Meet and
befriend real people He gives us a few premises.
Analyzing this article, we can see all the different views that our author has. The way he is using logos, as well as pathos to
capture our attention. His first premise," Those born after 1990 have never known a world without the Internet, and it's clear
they're fully ingrained in the culture of 'right now.'"

Me being one of those teenagers who was born after 1990, I do agree our generation has never known a world without the
internet, but it doesnt mean that all of our generation uses it the same way. Second premise, is, "Every day many people do
choose the hundreds of online friends over that one real friend, Social media sites are designed to keep us communicated with
our old friends, current friends but also to make new friends. The last premise, Last year's violent protests in Iran were made
real by the video of Neda Sultans death, distributed through sites such as YouTube and Facebook, and footage of the quakes in
Haiti helped raise millions of dollars for the rescue efforts. Layos gives one small fact, where he is telling us the positive aspects
of using social media, is informing as well as helping others in these situations. He gives us facts appealing to our logos appeal,
as well as pathos appealing to our emotions.

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