Life of Felix Melendez

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By: Felix Melendez

What animal I would be

If I were to choose what kind of animal I would be I would choose a
wolf because wolf stay together as a pack and are very protective ,
smart , feared.

Where do I see myself in 5 years

In the next five years I see myself graduating from CCBC with an
associate degree in engineering and then transferring to UMBC.
Also I see myself graduating from UMBC with a bachelors degree
in engineering .

My weaknesses and strengths



Not good with grammar

Public speaking


Bilingual-speak Spanish and





What superpower would I choose

If I could have any superpower I would choose the ability to fly
because It will save me time and money to reach my destinations.
Also It would be fantastic to see new places and interact with new
people and taste their foods.

Long-range objectives

My long rang objective is pursuing my career in mechanical

engineering and start working as a mechanical engineer.

I would like to find the girl who I would spend the rest of my life
with and start a family with her.

Winning a Lottery

I would by a brand new luxury car.

Support my parents and siblings.

Save money towards school

Buy a house

Buy few pairs of sneakers

Start collage funds for my children

in the future

I would get a savings account so in

the long run I would be making
money because of the interest rate .

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