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Manson Northwest Webster

Individual Professional Development Plan/Differentiated Professional Development Plan

Teacher: Ms. Ault, Ms. Jeske, Mrs. Pohlman

Start date: September, 2014
Teachers signature: Ms. Ault, Ms. Jeske, Mrs. Pohlman
Evaluators signature: Justin Daggett

Anticipated completion date: May, 2015

Date of approval: 10-6-14

Non-negotiables: 1) connected to instruction, 2) Involves new learning, 3) collaborative, 4) based on a district or building initiative, 5)
showcase teacher results and student results at the end of the year.

Identified Areas of Need: What needs are evident for students and teachers? What data supports this need?
Student needs and data: There is a large percentage of students who are performing below benchmark in the areas of fluency and
Teacher needs and data: Reading Assessment has been switched from Dibels to Fast Assessment. Teachers need to learn how to
analyze the data, implement this assessment as well as the Fast progress monitoring tools.

Change of Practice: How will I change or enhance my practice to meet student needs?

SMART goal:
Write a
elevant, and
imely goal for both teachers and students.

Teacher goal:
The teachers will learn the testing procedure, utilize the progress monitoring tools, and implement the FAST
assessment this spring. The teachers will also create a ongoing list of research based interventions.
Student goal:
Second Grade students will raise their FAST fall wcpm score by 25-30 words and increase their accuracy percentage to
instructional or independent range.

Hypothesis: All students should be able to raise their wcpm score, showing growth from fall to spring. Accuracy percentages
should also be higher, approximately in the 90 percentile.

Check the Iowa Teaching Standards that are addressed in this plan:

1. Enhance Student Achievement

5. Monitoring Student Learning

2. Content Knowledge

6. Classroom Management

3. Planning and Preparation

7. Professional Growth

4. Instructional Strategies

8. Professional Responsibilities

Learning Activities: In order to change my practice, I will engage in the following learning activities. Be specific.

Date and Team Activities:

September 16: Introduction to FAST Assessment
September 17-Analyze FAST data, create intervention groups based on teacher observation

Implementation Actions: In order to improve or enhance my classroom practice, I commit to classroom implementation. What
actions will occur? How often?

We will use the FAST progress monitoring tools bi-weekly or weekly.
Classroom practices to increase fluency will include .choral readings, echo readings, partner reading,
readers theaters, student graphing of hot/cold reads.


Monitoring the Plan: What methods will you use to monitor your goals? What data will you collect?

We will use the winter FAST assement data and progress monitoring tools to monitor our goal. Our spring FAST data will be used
as the final piece to assess our goal.

Results: What was the impact on you and your students?

Teacher results:
Student results:

_________ I agree to present my IPDP and the results to the staff in the spring of the school year.


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