Verbal Practice For Test

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NAME: __________________________

Language Arts

7th Grade

For each underlined word, decide if it is part of a verb phrase, an
infinitive, a participle or a gerund. Remember: helping verb +
verb= verb phrase, to+ verb= infinitive, -ing word acting like a
noun = gerund and ed, -en, -ing describing word= participle!
1. The road, obscured by the freshly fallen snow, was impossible to see.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
2. Their studying certainly made a difference in their grades.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
3. The young boy loved the stuffed animal given to him by his aunt.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
4. Deciding to skip the concert seems like a wise choice considering your workload.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
5. The staff's attention tends to focus on immediate tasks rather than long-term goals.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
6. Karla demanded that the clerk refund her money for the rotten fruit.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
7. Blaming the delays on everything from the weather to funding, the contractors failed to finish.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
8. Frustrated with their lack of attention, the teacher instructed her students to put their heads on their desks.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
9. Gus thinks that heating the dinner plates before serving food keeps the food warmer.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
10. The men's gymnastic team returned to the United States without the medal they had hoped to bring home.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
11. In a heated court fight, the two sides battled over custody.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
12. Covering her eyes to block out the glare, Sally hurried toward the shady spot in the park.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
13. The book donated to the library sale was worth a small fortune.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
14. After the rain started in earnest, the picnic organizers decided to call it quits.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb

NAME: __________________________
Language Arts

7th Grade

For each underlined word, decide if it is part of a verb phrase, an
infinitive, a participle or a gerund. Remember: helping verb +
verb= verb phrase, to+ verb= infinitive, -ing word acting like a
noun = gerund and ed, -en, -ing describing word= participle!
15. The dog's muffled bark could be heard from front gate.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
16. The student resented the regular questioning from her father.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
17. Does Bob enjoy laughing at everyone who makes a mistake?
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
18. The golfer listed in the paper as the leader decided to drop out of the tournament.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
19. Those two horses defeated the other contestants soundly.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
20. They wanted to meet the woman who wrote their favorite book.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
21. David's new plants, battered by the wind and rain, are not likely to make it to spring.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
22. She credited her success to working hard for years to reach her goal.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
23. The workers rejected the contract offered to them by the company.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
24. Placing a penny on a railroad track is dangerous if a train is coming.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
25. Milo hopes to win the eight grade spelling bee this year.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
26. When asked, the captain insisted that he was not drunk when he grounded the tanker.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
27. Hoping to reach the summit by nightfall, the expedition pushed onward.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
28. Depressed by the lack of sales at his booth, Lowell reconsidered his career as a candle maker.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb

7th Grade

NAME: __________________________
Language Arts

For each underlined word, decide if it is part of a verb phrase, an
infinitive, a participle or a gerund. Remember: helping verb +
verb= verb phrase, to+ verb= infinitive, -ing word acting like a
noun = gerund and ed, -en, -ing describing word= participle!
29. The doctors insist that treating the tumor with chemotherapy is the only viable solution.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
30. The stray cat devoured any and all food that Susi left out for it.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
31. Following a set of complicated instructions, the participants finally reached the buried treasure.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
32. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the lead singer, Elise squeezed near the front of the stage.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
33. Hillary suggested that the question posed by the journalist was rude and unfair.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
34. Before the director was willing to end the rehearsal, she demanded that the actors get the scene right.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
35. The child's delighted face is a testament to how thrilled she is by your mask.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
36. The coaches did all of the driving.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle

d. verb

37. Has Will given up playing in every golf tournament that he hears about?
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
38. The team chosen by the judges turned out to be quite weak.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
39. Fiona preferred going to movies more than watching television.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb
40. She wants to buy a new car that gets better gas mileage than her truck.
a. gerund b. infinitive c. participle d. verb

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