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Tense and Adverbials

Past time

Present time

Future time

Last year

At present




Next year
In 45 minutes from


Today, this week, this

Mark Lawson is here in forty-five minutes.
She lectures in Milton Keynes tomorrow.
Hes visiting Scotland next year.

Past, present, and future have links with various adverbial.

The present simple and present progressive can be used with adverbials such as in forty-five
minutes from now, but the events are in the future, so that set of adverbials is shown only in the
future time.

Some deictic adverbials are compatible with all three times, that are today, this
week, and this year. It cant be just at the time of utterance because they denote
periods too long to count as the time of utterance.
The past time and the future time exclude the time of utterance, but the versatile
adverbials like today include not only the time of utterance but also either times
prior to the moment of utterance or times after the moment of utterance, or both.

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