MEDICATION: Generic: Trade:: Amlodipine Norvasc

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MEDICATION: Generic: amlodipine Trade: Norvasc

Classification Therapeutic/Pharmacologic: Antihypertensive/ Ca+ Channel Blocker

Indication: Alone or w/other agents in management of hypertension, angina pectoris& vasospastic (Prinzmetal's) angina.
Action: Inhibits the transport of calcium into myocardial and vascular smooth muscle cells, resulting in inhibition of excitation-contraction coupling and
subsequent contraction.
Most common side effects: Dizziness, fatigue, peripheral edema, angina, bradycardia, hypotension, palpitations, nausea, flushing
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity; Systolic BP <90 mm Hg
Nursing Implications: Monitor BP and pulse before therapy, during dose titration, and periodically during therapy. Monitor ECG periodically during
prolonged therapy; Monitor I&O and daily weight. Assess for signs of HF (peripheral edema, rales/crackles, dyspnea, weight gain, jugular venous
Pt. Initials

Dosage, frequency,
route per MD or NP

Why is Client receiving the

drug? What is the expected

Dose appropriate for

patients current health
care needs.

Prior & Post


Dose Appropriate?

10mg = 1 tab oral


Nursing Assessment

HTN, Angina
Decrease in BP. Decrease in
frequency and severity of anginal
attacks. Decrease in need for
nitrate therapy. Increase in activity
tolerance and sense of well-being.

Prior admin: BP 130/69, P 75-80

uncontrolled Atrial Fibrillation.

Unexpected Response to

Evaluation of Medication Action

Significant learning experience r/t

this medication?

Did not administer medication

Systemic vasodilation resulting in

decreased BP.

Patient NPO, 200 ccs urine in

Foley. No crackles, or peripheral

Coronary vasodilation resulting in

edema. No complaints of chest

decreased frequency and severity of

pain at this time.

attacks of angina.

Post admin: BP 125/56, P 75-80

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