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Jennifer Vasquez

Human Bio 1090

Professor Timmins
March 10, 2015

This assignment and this class overall has taught me many different things I
hadnt even thought about before. This assignment in specific allowed me to see
different point of views about one same issue. I was able to build my own opinion by
reading both of the opinions given in the article and from my own personal knowledge
about HPV.
I believe now a day a lot of opinions especially the ones about health issues or
such are not just based on scientific research and studies but also in what society sees
as just and also moral standards. In this particular article, the main thing that
determined whether the vaccine should be mandated or not was societys moral beliefs.
Also, whether it was just or not to allow government to take the rights of the parents to
make the decision for their children. In the other hand would it be unjust to allow children
to run the risk of contracting the virus later on in life, simply because to our society HPV
doesnt fit into certain moral standards. What if the vaccine is not proved to be

completely effective? What if theres side effects to it that we dont know about? Is it
better to way for children to make their own decisions once they are older?
This assignment makes you question so many aspect of the issue because there
is so many different opinions to look at. As you read you come to conclude your own
opinion about the matter and become more interested about gaining more knowledge on

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