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Welcome to the First

Day of School!
Ms. Van Pelt
Fifth Grade Teacher

Classroom Rules
In our classroom we

Practice safe behaviors.

Act responsible.
Respect each other.
Are ready to learn.
Learn from our mistakes.
Celebrate each others successes.

Attention Grabbers!


Teacher: 1,2,3 Eyes on Me!

Teacher: Ready to listen?

Students: 1,2 Eyes on You!

Students: Ready to learn!



Teacher: All set?!

Teacher: Hands on top?!

Students: You bet!

Students: (Put hands on head) That

means stop!

Daily Schedule


8:50am Morning Routine

12:40pm Math

9:00am Special

1:40pm Language Arts

10:00am Social Studies

2:40pm Recess

11:00am Science

3:00pm Writing Workshop/Spelling

12:00pm Lunch & Recess

3:30pm End of the Day Routine

3:50pm Dismissal

Classroom Jobs
You will all be placed on a team.
Each team will be assigned a color as their team name.
Each team will consist of three students.
You will stay with your team for the whole year.
Every month your team will be assigned a different classroom job.
Everyone in your team must complete their assigned job daily.
If one person in your team does not complete their assigned job,
then your entire team will be penalized.

Classroom Jobs


Public Relations

Lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Retrieve mail from office.
Deliver the end of the day messages.
Water plants.
Keep floor clean from clutter.
Clean the whiteboards.


Check to make sure all jobs are being


If a job is not done, write the teams color

on the right hand corner of the
whiteboard at the end of the day.

Sanitation Supervisors

Wipe down sink, tables, and counters.

Office Assistants

Pass out and collect papers.

Fill out and keep classroom calendar upto-date.

File all Friday Folder papers.

Classroom Caretakers

Organize all classroom bookshelves.

Pass out and collect all textbooks.

Lunch Liaisons

Write down the morning lunch count.

Deliver the lunch count to the office.

Move magnets on Lunch Choice board to

start at end-of-day.

Technology Attendants

Turn off lights and close door when the

class is leaving the room.

Pass out and collect all iPads and

Chromebooks when they are being used.
Wipe down iPads at end-of-day.

Chair Stackers

Stack ALL chairs at the end of the day.

Morning Routine
1. Line up at the entrance to the door & wait for me to greet you.
2. When you walk into the classroom take a chair to your table, read the
morning slide and make your lunch choice on the lunch choice
3. After you make your lunch choice, sit quietly at your desk and
complete the the work that was written on the morning slide.
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Put work away and line up at the door to go to the special.

End of the Day Routine


Fill out daily planner.

Clear your desk & pack your backpack.
Complete your assigned job.
Line up for dismissal.

Positivity Points

Positivity Points are given when a student

does something very well!

I will track each of your positivity points

on a website called Class Dojo.


Staying on task


Helping Others/Teamwork


Your parents will also be able to view your

positivity points from Class Dojo.

I will never take away positivity points.

Every two weeks you will be able to cash
in your positivity points for prizes!

Positivity Prizes:
0-10 Points: Pick from the candy jar or fancy
pencil basket.
10-19 Points: Wear a hat or funky socks for one
whole day of class.
20-30 Points: Pick your seat for the day or
bring something to show & tell.
30-40 Points: Homework pass for one subject
or 15 minutes of extra recess or 15 minutes of
extra computer/iPad time.

Behavior System


If you are disrupting your classmates learning experience, then I will have a conversation
with you about your behavior and we will find a way to fix the problem.


If you have already received a warning and the negative behavior is still continuing, then you
will receive a minor.

When you receive a minor you will stay in for your afternoon recess and I will call your


If you have already received a minor and the negative behavior is still continuing, then you
will receive a major.
When you receive a major:
You will be sent to the principal's office.
We will have a conference with you, your parents/guardians, and the principal.
You will receive an in school detention or suspension.

Ms. Van Pelts Frequently Asked Questions:

What do I do if I have to go to the bathroom?

You do not have to ask to go to the bathroom! There are two bathroom passes (one for the
boys and one for the girls) that hang right next to the classroom door. If your pass is hanging
in its correct spot, then all you have to do is put that bathroom pass on your desk and go to
the bathroom. When you get back from the bathroom make sure you put the bathroom pass
in its correct spot.

Where do I turn in my work?

There is a basket labeled for every subject on the back counter. All you have to do is turn
your work into the correct basket.

What do I do if I missed a day of school?

First, find the box labeled Make-up Work on the back counter. There will be a folder in that
box with your name on it that has all of your make-up work. Second, after you get your
make-up work folder come talk to me and I will give you further instructions on your makeup work and what you missed the day before.

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