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THE AURORAN, Week of April 27, 2010 - 9

St. Kitts calls

police after
verbal attack
Sher St. Kitts called the and continued to berate me
police on Bren Marsh, hus- loudly in public. That's bad
band of former Aurora form. I didn't know what his
Councillor Grace Marsh, at beef was. If that isn't bully-
the Aurora Home Show last ing, I don't know what you
weekend after a vocal con- call it.
frontation at the Windfall "I didn't create this; I did
Ecology booth. not ask for this, I was the
"I felt attacked by the one that received this
words that were spoken," onslaught of verbal diar-
said Ms. St. Kitts when con- rhoea in public loudly and
tacted by The Auroran last in a threatening manner.
week. "People around me The police were called and
were frightened, so you can unfortunately they weren't
imagine how I felt especial- called to the scene which is
ly since I didn't know who too bad."
Members of the area pharmaceutical family were on hand Friday to discuss the impact of recently he was. He basically said Ms. St. Kitts said it was
announced cuts that will affect their livelihood and to develop a plan that would lead to a resolution of he doesn't want me in the unfortunate and not some-
the issue. The meeting was called by Newmarket-Aurora Member of the Provincial Parliament Frank town, he doesn't think I thing she would like to see
Klees. Taking part at the meeting were, left to right, Jonathan Chiu, a University of Toronto pharmacy stu- have any right to do the happen to anyone at an
dent; Ben Shenouda, president of the Pharmacists Association of Ontario; Darryl Austin, from Dixon things I do in town. event like a home show
Pharmacy in Newmarket; Farid Wassef from Stouffville IDA, MPP Klees; and Michael Khalil from Aurora "He called me a liar and where "we're all supposed
Pharmacy. Auroran photo by David Falconer was just a big, huge man to be working together."
that was coming into my When contacted by The
space far too close and Auroran, Mr. Marsh said

Your water bill could increase when I tried to get away

from him he followed me
simply "I just told someone
what I thought of them."

Aurora residents are likely to being metered and paying for it? the present system. "However, that doesn't mean
experience a 14.11 per cent hike Before we increase any rates, She noted causes for water we should sit on our laurels," he
in their household water bill if a we want to make sure we're not loss, which Mr. Elliott's report continued. "We need to be man-
proposed cost increase occurs, overlooking anything." estimates between 11 and 12 aging and containing these
councillors learned at last Mr. Elliott assured councillors per cent of water in Aurora. sources of loss. I think in the com- St. Andrew’s Realty Inc.
Tuesday's general committee that staff members and meter These causes, according to ing year I will work with the engi-
meeting. readers monitor properties regu- the document, include pipe neering group and focus on [the
According to a report by larly and any irregularities are leaks, water main breaks, fire loss]. I wouldn't raise an alarm
Anna Runco
Sales Representative
Town Treasurer Dan Elliott, a reported back to the depart- department use for both training and suggest this is out of control."
residential household "that is ment. and fire fighting, "own use of A final decision on the rate (905) 841-1030
billed an average of 400 cubic "It's rare to find them, but peri- unmetered supplies for land- increases, as noted, is expected
(416) 565-3727
meters of water per year" will see odically they will arise," said Mr. scaping, parks and road mainte- to be handed down at this week's My goal is to make your
$115.12 tacked onto their bill, an Elliott. "I suspect there is only nance", theft of water from council meeting. real estate dreams a reality!
Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract
increase to $930.88 from one or two in town, [but] I'm hydrants, and water meter slip-
$815.76. thinking there are not more than page.
"$49.16 of the average 10. The impact of the one or two "Some of these listed
increase is attributable to the accounts on the rates that are uses...are not part of the rev-
Region of York whereas $65.96 proposed in this report would not enue stream but are part of the
is attributable to the Town of change to any material amount consumption stream," she said.
Aurora, water loss, and the in my opinion. That is an issue I "There is some usage that
adjustment factor," said Mr. Elliott can take back to my staff and makes up what I think was called
in his report. work with the engineering and the 'unbilled 12 per cent' which
Residents who receive both operations groups and the meter we're having the users pay for
water and wastewater services reader contract to ensure that but yet there are benefitters who
from the Town will see their we remain vigilant and enhance are not paying towards it, so at
wastewater service charge our techniques of discovery." the end of the process, which will
bumped up by 18.8 per cent. Councillor Evelina probably be next week, I would
This will be combined with MacEachern said that even like to ask staff to look at this for
the water charge on bills issued knowing council was legislated the next cycle."
after May 1 to "reduce inquiries to move towards full cost recov- Theft of water is a reality, said
regarding the separate service ery on water, she was "sure Mr. Elliott, but added line loss of
charges" on current bills, accord- most members of council were unaccounted for water at 12 per
ing to Mr. Elliott. "One of the main alarmed by the increase" and cent for Aurora is "a fairly reason-
influences on this increase is the wondered if there were gaps in able number to be working with”.
10 per cent rate increases for
wholesale water and waste-
water services purchased by
Aurora from the Region of York.
204 Aurorans
respond to poll
All rate increases are to be effec-
tive for billings issued on or after
May 1, as is the normal prac-
At last Tuesday's meeting, Aurora candidate for mayor streets, lights, water and
councillors asked staff members Roger Clowater conducted a sewage.
to come back to this week's survey at his booth at the That issue attracted 20
council meeting with a Power Aurora Chamber of Commerce responses.
Point presentation to explain the Home Show recently, and 204 A total of 128 citizens
actual increases to residents. people participated. responded to the poll Friday
Mayor Phyllis Morris and Most of those who entered and Saturday while 76
councillors also expressed con- said council accountablity was responded Sunday.
cern that water loss and those the most important issue in Only criterion set by the
not paying for water could have town. mayoralty candidate was any-
contributed to an undue A total of 35 people selected one responding to the survey
increase at the expense of other that item from a list of nearly 20 had to live in Aurora.
residents. issues. So far, Clowater will chal-
"Before we increase one Twenty-two responded on lenge Nigel Kean for the top
penny of anyone's water rates, I Friday and Saturday and 13 spot in the municipality,
think it might be helpful if we dis- picked that issue Sunday. although current Aurora mayor
cover if everyone in the town Second on the list was Phyllis Morris said Saturday
who is getting water is paying for vacant downtown businesses that even though she has not
water," said Mayor Morris. "How which attracted 28 votes, fol- officially registered, she will
do we know that everyone who lowed by repairing town infra- seek to be re-elected as Aurora
has access to water is actually structure, which included mayor.

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