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Materials Needed:
Creatures of the garden CD

SW Experience, Explore, Imitate through:

Singing Playing Instruments

Moving Technology

SW Perform, Read, Write, Analyze, Listen

As a class Individually

In Small Groups

(K.1) Foundations: music literacy. The student

describes and analyzes musical sound. The student is
expected to: (A) identify the difference between
the 5 voices (sing, speak, inner, whisper, calling);
(B) identify the timbre of adult and child singing
voices; (C) identify the timbre of instrument
families; (D) identify same/different in
beat/rhythm, higher/lower, louder/softer,
faster/slower, and simple patterns in musical
performances; and (E) identify beat, rhythm, and
simple 2 tone or 3 tone melodies using iconic

(K.2) Creative Expression. The student

performs a varied repertoire of developmentally
appropriate music in informal and formal settings.
The student is expected to: (A) sing or play
classroom instruments independently or in groups;
(B) sing or play classroom instrument from diverse
cultures and styles independently or in groups; (C)
move alone and with others to a varied repertoire of
music using gross motor and fine locomotor and nonlocomotor movement; (D) perform simple part
work including beat v. rhythm; (E) perform music
using louder/softer and faster/slower

(K.3) Historical & Cultural Relevance. The

student examines music in relation to history and
cultures. The student is expected to: (A) sing
songs and play musical games, including rhymes, folk
music, and seasonal music; (B) identify simple
interdisciplinary concepts related to music.

(K.4) Critical Evaluation & Response. The

student listens to, responds to and evaluates music
and musical performances. The student is expected
to: (A) identify and demonstrate appropriate
audience behavior during live or recorded
performances ; (B) identify steady beat in musical
performances ; (C) compare same/different in

Blooms Taxonomy
faster/slower, and simple patterns in musical
beat/rhythm, higher/lower, louder/softer,

Grade: Kinder Week # 5 Date 2/24/2016

Students will be able to move through to move through space,
doing same and different movements to music.
Moving and Grooving
Come have a seat at my Smart Board.
I have a story for you all today! Be listening quietly while I
tell you my story.
I went to the beach the other day and you know what I saw? A
little bug! He was buried in the sand. I saw him get up and he
was covered in sand. He shook off the sand from his back, his
shoulders and his arms. He looked around to make sure no one
would step on him and bury him in the sand again. He was
tiptoeing so he could be nice and quiet. Then all of the sudden,
he spotted a big bulldozer! It was coming right towards him
carrying a big load of sand. The little bug ran so he could get
away from the bulldozer. There was a twig in his path. Now a
twig is very small to us but to our little bug, it is a huge log! He
jumped over the log. Then the little bug continued to run and
run, then another twig!
I have some music that goes with my story, let us hear it now.
Play CD for them
Narrate story while CD track is playing.
Model movements while track is playing for the students:
o Being buried in the sand
o Shaking off the sand
o Looking around
o Running from bulldozer
o Jumps over the twig
o Runs again
o Jumps over another twig
Lets all be little bugs in the sand. First we are going to be
buried in the sand so duck down.
Start CD.
Do movements and narrate with the class so the remember what
to do.
Do another round of the movements with the CD.
Now here is a challenge! We are going to do our movements
to the music again, but this time I am not going to say the story.
You have to listen to the music to know what movement to do.
Play CD again, and do not narrate.
Extension: Have the students make up their own movements to
the music and story.

Review and Closure:

Good job today class! Today we listened to my story and listen to music that reminded of my story. We then acted
out my story and created movements to the music.
Students will be perform fine locomotor movements to mimic the music and story to Creature in the Garden.

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