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Key elements and features of the safety plan

General Emergency
Shelter in place
Fire Evacuation
Small Scale and Large Scale evacuation
Tornado procedures
Lockdown procedures
Bomb Threat
Death of student or staff member
Emergency Contact
Responsibility of specific personnel (secretaries, administration, specific
assignments for certain rooms)
Communication information
Components to develop a plan to promote a safe and orderly learning environment
In our district we have a policy stating the Superintendent must promote the
plans developed that address emergency situations. The emergency responses
must be formulated for each school and communicated clearly. Each room has
a binder holding the emergency procedures, and then a flipchart that is a quick
reference guide to the binder. This is put together by a district team that reviews
the procedures and updates them as necessary. The biggest component in any
safety plan is communication - both prior to an emergency, during an
emergency, and afterwards.
Facility Usage Key Issues
Priority of Space
Fee Schedule
Building Security
Material Usage
Limitations during use
Effective Aspects of Facility Usage Agreements and Processes
Online booking system
Schedule viewable prior to requesting
Requisition form available online
Agreement outlines
General Conditions
Special Conditions


Definitions of classes (Class I, Class II, Class III, Class IV)

Fee Schedule
Provides flexibility
Assess the Effectiveness of the Plan
Follow-up Surveys - Receive feedback from those that took part in the process
Input from stakeholders - Have conversations with various stakeholders (staff,
students, community members)
Experience the process - Participate in the process as if you were a participant
to help determine effectiveness and analyze needed change
Minimum annual review - Revisit policies at least once a year or more often if

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