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-express things which always happen
-it refers to present
Ex. If you press this bottom, the alarm goes off.
If clause + present, main clause: present form or imperative
-express things which are possible and it is quite probable that they will happen
-it refers to the present and to the future
Ex. He will get there in time if he leaves right now.
If clause + present simple, main clause: future form
-express unreal events
-it refers to the present
Ex. If I were you, I would complain.
If clause + past simple/past continuous
Main clause: would/could/might + infinitive
-Talks about something in the past that did not happen.
-It is an unfilled condition in the past.
ex.If she had worked harder, she would have passed the exams.
If+past perfect;
would + perfect infinitive
I type:
-imaginary past events that could have some consequences in the present
if+past perfect (III cond.)
would+infinitive (II cond.)

ex.If he had broken the record, he would be famous now.

If they hadnt invited me to the party, I wouldnt be here now.
II type:
-unreal present situation which could have had some consequences in the past

if+past simple (II cond.)

would+present infinitive (III cond.)

ex.If he was a more skillful player, he would have scored more points.(he isnt, so he didnt
score more points)
If she didnt speak a few languages, she wouldnt have got that job.(but she speaks a
few languages and she got that job)

CONDITIONALS (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

1.We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it ___________(be) a nice
day, we ___________________(go) out for a picnic.
2.Why dont you explain everything to him? If you _______________(not/tell) him the truth,
Im sure you ______________(regret) it one day.
3.Jenifer was here not long ago. If you ___________________(come round) earlier, you
____________________(see) her.
4. I __________________________(help) you with it if I _________________(have) more
time but Im afraid I havent got any spare time at all at the moment.
5.The government is expecting to win the next election, but if it _______________(lose), the
Prime Minister _____________(resign) from politics.
6.Im so glad that you took me to your friends party. If we _____________________(not/go)
there, we ____________________________ (never/met) Adrian.
7.Its ridiculous that trains are so expensive. If fares _________________(be) cheaper, Im
sure that more people _______________________(use) the train and leave their cars at
8.If she ______________(get) that job shes applied for, she ___________________ (be)
delighted. And I think shes got a good chance of getting it.
9.Fortunately the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty. It
______________________(be) a disaster if it _____________________ (happen) in the
middle of the day.
10.The talks between the two leaders keep breaking down. If they
______________________ (break down) again, it is possible that there ____________ (be)
a war between the two countries.
11.If Alison __________________ (know) anything about gar mechanics, Im sure She
_________________(help) us fix the car, but I think she knows even less than we know.

12.Theve married for 20 years now but I dont think she _________________ (marry) him if
she ___________________( know) what a selfish man he was.
13.Children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Im sure they
_________________(be) happier if they ___________________(spend) more time playing
14.Jamie has everything he wants but hes always moaning. Im sure that if I have so much
money, I ____________________(not moan) all the time.


1) If my uncle

(to tell) me the way to his office, I

(not/to arrive) so late.

2) She

(to be) at the airport if she

(to read)

the message carefully.

3) Lucy

(not/to hurt) her foot if she


(to use) a sharp knife, you


drop) the old box.

4) If you

cut) yourself. 5) If Victoria

home, I

6) We

(to celebrate) her birthday at

(to bring) her some flowers.

(to take) the train to Edinburgh if it

run) on time.
7) If Max

(not/to forget) my schoolbag, he

(to give) you your USB flash drive.


8. If I (have)

enough money, I (go)

on safari to Kenya.

However, my bank account is empty!

9. I love to travel! When I (have)

enough money, I (go)

abroad. I do it almost every year.

10. I really wanted to go on safari to Kenya with my friends, but I couldn't afford
to go. If I (have)

enough money, I (go)

with them.

11. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were allergic to chocolate. If I (know)

I (make)

you a vanilla birthday cake.

12. Stop asking me what Amanda bought you for Christmas. Even if I (know)
what she bought you, I (tell, not)


13. Nobody here speaks English. Too bad Gloria isn't here. If she (be)

with us, she (can)

act as our interpreter.

14. I am afraid I won't be able to come to your wedding next week because my
company is sending me to New York to attend a trade show. I (miss, never)
your wedding if I (have)

15. If the weather is nice tomorrow, she (walk)


a choice in the matter.

along the river to

16. If you help me move tomorrow, I (treat)

you to a dinner and a

17. If you were to help me move tomorrow, I (treat)

you to a dinner

and a movie.
18. If I were in Tahiti right now, I (snorkel)

along a beautiful reef. I

wouldn't be stuck here in this office with mountains of paperwork.

19. If Jerry hadn't stopped to pick up that quarter, he (cross)
the street when the bus ran the red light. He might have been killed!
20. Tina's train arrived ahead of schedule. If I hadn't decided to go to the train
station early, she (wait)

there for more than twenty minutes

before I arrived.
21. If I (pass)

the test, I (get)

an "A" in the class.

Instead, I got a "C." I really should have studied more.

22. If I (be)

rich, I (buy)

that new Mercedes we saw

yesterday. Unfortunately, I can't even afford a used car.

23. We (go)

skiing this weekend, but there's no snow. Oh, well! We

will just have to find something else to do instead.

24. If Heather spoke Chinese, she (translate)

the email for you

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