Impersonal and Personal Brahman: (Veda)

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Philosophy of Divine Love

Just as a formless soul takes on a body, Brahman too

takes on a form. The only difference is that the individual
soul being under the control of Maya, takes on a material
body, the nature of which depends upon his past karma,
Impersonal and Personal while God takes on a Divinely blissful form according to His
own free will through His power Yogamaya, in order to shower
Brahman Divine bliss on souls. To raise the objection that if God had
a form, He would surely have be seen by us at sometime,
is childish, because God is Divine, and our vision is material.
Some people are curious to know what a descension A Divine form can never be perceived through material vision.
is. They think God to be only formless. But the scriptures It is only when an individual becomes deserving through the
clearly proclaim God to be an abode of opposing qualities. practice of devotion that he attains Divine vision through
The Vedas clearly state- God's grace, and sees the Divine Personality everywhere in
Personal form. The experience of Saints provides evidence
ajiiyamiino bahudhii vijiiyate of this truth.
Isn't it silly to presume that the Almighty, All-powerful
"He, the Supreme Being, is without a body, yet He Supreme Being, who gives form to innumerable solar systems
possesses one: He is unborn, yet he takes innumerable births." and countless subtle elements, cannot take a form Himself?
God has innumerable, incomprehensible transcendental powers.
dve viiva brahmar:JO rupe murtaril caiviimurtaril ca When He has such unlimited powers, what is so surprising
(Veda) about Him assuming a form? We have examples of formless
substances taking form, in the material world itself.
God has two forms, Impersonal and Personal. Now the
question is, if God possesses a form, how can He possibly tasmiid vii etasmiidiitmana iikiisaJ:t sambhutaJ:t
pervade subtle things. Besides, he would have been seen in iikiisiid viiyuJ:t....
the world at some time or the other if he did have a form. (Veda)
Actually, even the soul is formless-
"God made the element ether. Ether does not have
biiliigrasatabhiigasya satadhii kalpitasya ca the property of touch, but from it came air which possesses
bhiigo jivaJ:t sa vijneyaJ:t sa ciinantyiiya kalpate the qualities of both sound and touch. From air came fire,
(Suetiisuatara Upani~ad) and from fire came water, from which came the element
earth. From the earth came the trees and plants, and from
cinmiitraril sri harer arilsaril su~mama~aramavyayam the trees and plants we have food ... " Observe, from the
(Veda) formless element ether which is devoid of even the quality

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Philosophy of Divine Love Philosophy of Divine Love

of touch, we have the earth, which contains the properties Then again, some people question that if God can create
of touch, taste, smell, sound, etc. Now isn't it absurd to argue innumerable Brahmalf<;las (cosmic systems), can He not make
that the Almighty, All-powerful God Himself cannot assume innumerable Gods in the same way? They probably think
a form? that if innumerable Gods were to come into being, there would
be competition between them, and in this process they would
get special concessions. But this is impossible. To think that
The. next objection raised by people is equally childish.
the existence of innumerable Gods will result in benefit similar
They offer the argument of the disintegration of clouds after
to worldly competition, is absurd, because this is against spiritual
water is formed through condensation. When vapour forms
law. Besides, God did in fact assume innumerable forms in
into clouds, the cause, viz. the vapour, disappears. In the
the Maharasa (Divine Dance). But we must remember that
same way, when the All-pervading, Formless Absolute takes
He assumed forms which were expansions of Himself. All
form, He can no longer be All-pervading. These people who
these assumed forms were obviously God Himself. After
argue thus, fear destruction of the formless Brahman if they
assuming these innumerable forms in one descension, He again
accept God with form. But there is nothing to fear at all.
becomes one. Moreover, actions of attachment, hostility, or
Material causes have different powers of action, whereas God
material nature, are not performed by God.
possesses powers capable of all kinds of actions. This is the
reason why God is referred to as Almighty, and the Cause Thus, Divine powers (like the example of fire) cannot
of all Causes. Material causes do not have these powers. If function contrary to their nature. If they did, then it would
they did, they would not be material. Therefore, it is na'ive mean that God is under the control of his own powers. But
to measure the immeasurable Almighty, All-powerful God as God is the master of all His powers, these arguments
according to the standard of our limited worldly powers. have absolutely no place here. The Personal and Impersonal
forms of God have been clearly referred to in all the scriptures
Some people offer another argument. They state that from the Vedas to the Ramayana. This truth is well-known
if God is all-powerful, He can also destroy Himself. The in the world too, hence doubt about this subject is totally
possible implication of these people may be that if God were absurd. Besides, we have already pointed out that worship
to get into a temper some day, He could destroy himself of the formless, Abstract Brahman is extremely difficult for
and we would be free of Him. We could then carefreely embodied beings. First, there is the requirement of deservedness
engage in sinful activities without fear of pUnishment. Those for entrance to the path. Secondly, there is a special difference
who argue thus are obviously ignorant of the fact that a in the Divine bliss experienced in the state of ultimate
power is always in accordance with its nature. It can never attainment. However, if there is someone who is determined
be contradictory to its nature. Observe, fire is said to be to worship the Impersonal Brahman, then he can do so only
capable of burning all. But the fact that fire burns everything, after fulfilling the rules of deservedness, which have been
does not imply that it can consume or burn itself. This is specified by the scriptures. covered in a
absolutely impossible, because it is contradictory to its nature. previous chapter -
An acrobat can never climb upon his own shoulders and walk. not crucially
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