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Creating LTE Report with Genex Assistant

Author: Andreas YDN

Co-Author: Valki RD

Consulting | Training | Research

Genex Assistant Preparation

Genex Assistant Operation
Creating SSV report
Creating Cluster report

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Procedure of Assistant

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Menu Bar


Progress Bar

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Set up New Project

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Engineer Parameter Format

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Import Engineer Parameter

Click the LTE symbols then View the Engineer Parameter
Upload your engineer parameter with the default format

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Import Engineer Parameter

Fill the field with the right name, it is same like mandatory item in Genex Probe,
please dont leave it blank. Then click OK
Please wait while generating. Make sure all the field is correct

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Import Engineer Parameter & Upload the Logfiles

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Choose Analyze Group Manager and add logfile

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Grouping the logfiles & Run the analysis

Once finish, you can make a group for your logfiles with click analyze
group manager and add choose your logfiles

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After that, you can view your logfiles group at the leftside, right click then run

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KPI Summary for cluster Drive Test

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Setting Legend DL

Load all the logfiles and make a group depend on your method, for example we
load the DL,UL,Ping,and SC test. After that we should set the download Legend
(Throughput) for default .
Throughput DL Legend

Choose DL grup -> click Legend -> search for

Throughput Download -> Edit into standard

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Setting Legend UL Throughput)

Throughput UL Legend

Choose UL group -> click Legend -> search

for Throughput Upload -> Edit into standard

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Setting SINR & RSRP)

Choose DL grup -> click Legend -> search for
SINR -> Edit into standard value

SINR Legend

Choose DL grup -> click Legend -> search for

RSRP -> Edit into standard value

RSRP Legend

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (Speed))

- Speed is very useful to make sure youre on the right track, in some case wes can got a lost signal while drive testing and its not
recorder. But we can give justification by showing the speed map
- Choose DL -

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (Throughput))

Choose DL grup -> search Throughput menu -> right click on PCC MAC Throughput -> Display On Map
You can add some route and legend with click the layer button and legend button

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (Histogram))

-Histogram is very important thing while reporting, RF engineer can analyze the distribution of the Download
value and make decision about the next step
- Choose download -> search Throughput -> PCC MAC Throughput ->Display on Histogram

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Display Statisctics))

-Display the statistics is needed to view the valid value for average,maximum,minimum range of the
- Choose DL -> search MAC Throughput -> right click and display on sheet

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (add layer & Missing Route))
- Click the layer button to add some routes it will make you easier to locate where is the missing route and
create justification at that area

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (set Legend

and edit cell size))
-Click legend button to view your throughput DT result,if necessary you can edit cell size to make it easier for
analyzing logfiles. Choose the 1.20 size then click OK. You can see the difference cell result after that

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download ( Plot & Synchronize PCI))
- we should to synchonize the PCI to make it effective for reporting,you can define the site is cross feeder or not.
- search for Serving and Neighboring Cell -> click serving cell -> right click and Display On Map
- we can see from the picture above that the PCI is sycnhronized and we can define which site is not serving at that time

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download ( Plot & Synchronize PCI))
- we should to synchonize the PCI to make it effective for reporting,you can define the site is cross feeder or not.
- search for Serving and Neighboring Cell -> click serving cell -> right click and Display On Map
- we can see from the picture above that the PCI is sycnhronized and we can define which site is not serving at
that time

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download ( RSRP))

- RSRP plotting is needed to predict the low coverage at that area, you can see if there any blocking building or
etc that causing the low coverage
- Choose LTE -> Serving and Neighbouring cell -> Serving Cells -> RSRP

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download

(Display RSRP Statistics and Histogram))
- RSRP Statistics is needed to the average value, maximum or minimum value at that area

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download ( SINR))

- SINR plotting is needed to predict the low quality at that area, you can see if there any intereferrence or etc that
causing the low quality
- LTE -> Radio Parameter -> PCC SINR

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download ( Hand Over))

- Plotting Hand Over is using to define if there any hand over failure during the drive test, if any we can check the
neighbour relationship and delete it if the location is more than one tier or the distance is too far
- Choose DL -> LTE -> righ click on LTEintrafreqHOAttemp / success -> display on Map

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (Scatter))

- Scatter is using to compare the result of RSRP VS SINR, its needed for make a conclusion the distribution SINR and RSRP in your
- Choose DL -> right click on RSRP then custom display on chart -> choose Y axis, do the same step to SINR but choose the X axis

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (EARFC))

- EARFCN is using to define the frequency while you Drive Test
- choose DL -> serving cell -> Serving DL EARCN -> display on map

A. Download

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Upload (Map))

Choose UL grup -> search Throughput menu -> right click on PCC MAC Throughput UL-> Display On Map
You can add some route and legend with click the layer button and legend button

B. Upload

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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Upload (Map))

-In Ping Method, we no need to plot the distribution, we just need to view the average value of that method
- Choose LongCall test, -> search PS analys -> righ click on PING and display on sheet


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Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Upload (Map))

-In Shortcall test, we can see is there any dropped call, RRC SR, Connection SR, Etc
- Choose SC test -> right click and view KPI result

D. Short Call

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SSV Reporting & KPI (Legend and site Information))

It have different legend with cluster, because in cluster we have some interferrence, so thats why operator
give other value on it

A. Global Method
SINR Value

RSRP Value

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SSV Reporting & KPI

Accessibilty is needed to guarantee our user can connect to the network as fast as possible and keep stable of

A. Global Method

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SSV Reporting & KPI

Idle to Active: to measure how fast the response from UE to ENODEB

B. Idle to Active Test

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SSV Reporting & KPI

PING test: to make sure user can send and receive without interruption such as connection time out and
latency is less than 30ms

C. Static test (PING test)

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SSV Reporting & KPI

Download and Upload: our user spread from near until far distance, thats mean we should keep the network
in the good performance

D. Download (Download and Upload (near,middle,far )

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