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uate. University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education G PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER TWO Summative Report ‘Student Teacher: Guy Becker ‘School: _| Brooks Junior High Schoo! Grade/Subjects Taught: | Grade 9 Social Studies, Grade 9 Language Aris, Grade 7 Computers, Levels Classes Teacher Associate: | Bruce Jones University Consultant: Richard Lane Dates of Practicum [March - April 24, 2015 { Instructions | + Thisis a summative repor ofthe student teacher's performance at the end of the PSII practicum, based on expectations for that stage of teacher development (ED 3600). + For each practicum outcome below indicate the student teacher's level of performance: either Not Meeting Expectations for the PSII level, Meeting Expectations, or Exceeding Expectations. (Most students wil fal into the Meeting Expectations category, unless there is clear evidence for Not Meeting Expectations or Exceeding Expectations.) For students within the ‘Meeting Expectations category, please indicate level of performance. | + Some outcomes may not be applicable to your particular educational situation. Leave the space blank. | + Alte end of each section ofthe fom, please provide comments in reference tothe relevant KSAS and practicum outcomes. 4. PLANNING AND PREPARATION KSA #1 Teachers make reasoned decisions about teaching and lesming based on their ongoing analysis of contextual variables. KSA #9 Teachers use the programs of study to inform and direct planning instruction and assessment KSA #6 Teachers plan for instruction, ranslating curnculum and outcomes into meaning leaming activities. KSA #9__ Teachers use abroad range of instructional stratogies. KSA #13 Teachers identity and use relevant leaming resources, and Preparation Expoctat 1. Demonstrates knowledge and skils in the subject matter of the lessons including histher subject major. ~ [Net ieoting ‘Incorporates a variety of appropriate resources and insirutionallassesement stratogies into lesson plans, JON ‘Translates learning outcomes fom the Alberia Program of Studies into relevant and appropriate learning objectives forthe lessons being taught. rl “Takes into acoount students" pro leaning, learning needs (including student IPPs), interests, and student variables such as age, gender, socio-economic status and culturallinguistic background. '5. Organizes conten nto appropriate components and sequences for instruction. 40 6. Plans appropriate content and activites forthe time alloted. 7 Propares lesson plans for ail essons taught, using a wolldafined structure which includes learning objective(s), an introduction and closure, detaled procedures and instructions, key questions, teaching strategies, learning activites, and assessment of lesson objectives. O '& Prepares unt pla(s) in subject major that include rationale, overview, eaming ‘outcomes, teaching/learing actviies, and assessment plan, integrates information and communications technology into instruction in subject major and other subjects, where appropriate. 10. Obtains and organizes equipment and materia fr instruction. Igo. Io ooo v COMMENTS: While Guy was attending BJHS he set up a forum ofthe local candidates for the 2016 Provincial election. He kept the students, Parents and administration informed and updated on the forum procedures. The students were well informed ofthe candidate's Platforms beforehand, which led to inteligent and insightful questions from the students Universty of Lethbridge: PS. ! Summative Report (May 25, 2006) INSTRUCTION [KSA'# Teachers demonstrate knowlodge of tho content they toach [KSA#5__Toachersldonty and respond to loarnordiftoronces. KSA#9 Teachers use a broad range of instructoral strategies. [KSA 10 Teachers apply a varoly of technlogies to moet students loamingnoods. Ay Uses clear, fluent, and grammatically correct spoken and written language. iS Uses vocabulary appropriate to students’ age, background and interests. Modulates his her voice for audibly and expression. v Demonstrates cultural sensitivity in communication and instruction mz '. Establishes set: reviews prior learning, identies lesson objective(s) and expectations, ing attention-gettors, provides overview, and relates the lesson to revious leaming as. ate. 6._ Incorporates strategies for motivating students using relevant and interesting subject v matter and activites. Presents content in appropriately organized sequences for instruction v '&. Explains and proceeds in small stops al an appropriate pace fo suil the activity and a student response @._ Demonstrates subject mater competence dung sructn, wl 10. Organizes and directs learning for individuals, small groups, and whole classes. Olo 71 11. Provides clear directions, instructions and explanations. | VO) fj} 0) 12. Directs efficent transitions between lessons and from one activity to the next. VC) fv) ] LT 7S: Uses a variety of instructional strategies to address desired outcomes, subject alter, 3 varied learning styles and individual needs (including student IPP goals/objocives). ] ] “14. Uses a broad range of instructional strategies spec to subject major. v 16, Uses appropriate materials and resources. z 16 Demonstrates flexibly and edapiabiy Ol 7 17 Asks clearly phrased, well-sequenced questions at a variety of cognitive levels. 18. Provides appropriate “waittime" after posing questions. 19, Seeks clarification and elaboration of student responses, where appropriate, 70 Leads and direcis student parficpaion in class discussion effecively and distributes uestons appropriately. SINGIN Ol 7. Cireulates inthe classroom, intervening when necessary, checking on individual and a group understanding of actvity/content. ZZ. Recognizes and responds appropriately o Individual diferences and group Tearing a needs. 23. Reinforces student learning, building on previous learning, reviewing, and re-eaching, v 24, Achieves closure for lessons, consolidating ideas or concepts through summaries, 7 reviews, discussions, and appleations, 25, Provides homework when appropriate and explains assignments fly. InOlw ‘COMMENTS: Guy is highly involved in leading his classroom. He engages his students by presenting well planned lessons. He stuctures his classes so that his students are aware ofthe structure ofthe lessons and are very clear about the daily abjectives. University of Lethbridge: PS. I! Summative Report (May 25,2006) 2 CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT KSA17 Teachers creat and mainiah environments tht are conducive to student leamng and understand student noeds {or phys, social, cutual and psychological secuy KSA #8 Establishes relationships wih stucens tha respect human dignty ‘Assumes a leadership role in te classroom, taking charge of cassroom acivves; showing confidence, poise, composure, and presonca, iv 2 Creates and maintains an effecve learning environment, seling high expecalons and standards for student earning, attending to student variable sueh se age, genon Ole socio-economic status and culturaVlinguistic background. 3: Demonstaes intaive, enthusiasm and a commitment to To Sodan and SOBEL models appropriate behaviours. v 4. Establishes posive relatonships and a Gassroom Gate based on mutual Wl and 1 x Cleary defines and reinforces classroom procedures and routines. Clearly communicates and reinforces expectations for appropriate student behaviour. [ Monitors student behaviour and is aware of student behaviour a al tines ‘Responds to inappropriate behavior promptly, firmly, and consistently, using ‘perp owhey an igre responses; oho esoal Sacpine paces and |] | [-]] [] procedures | ‘COMMENTS: Guy scat in charge of his classroom. He sets clear expectations and monitors rng the dass to maintain the standard he fas set Hs Students are aware ofthe assrcem expectations. 5S] AIS 4. ASSESSMENT KSA #11 Teachers gather and uso infomation about students leering noods and progres and asses the range oleaming objectives. 1. Assesses student learning using a variety of appropriate assessment techniques and intruments (e.g, observations, conversations, questioning, checking daily work _performance-based and written assessments, quizzes, tests) 2. Checks requenty or understanding 2. Provides timely ard elec feedback on arin osudens Z 7: odes and dap eacig based on aesoaron daa and sudo PPS (e. enploysaloratve tathig satoges'o rach wets ee), 5. Analyzes and evans measurement deo assess sudontloming Olol 6. East students how earing wl be measured 7. Devolps and mais accrate record of sent achovomnl(e..ade Shed,

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