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Ingls II

Nombre: Araceli Guadalupe Ruiz Rico.

Matrcula: A07019233.

Nombre del curso: Ingles II.

Nombre de la Actividad: MIVU2- Actividad Integradora, Tercera etapa

Nombre del tutor: Natalia Trujillo Puente.

-fecha de entrega: 29 de octubre de 2014

MIVU2- Actividad Integradora, Tercera etapa

In our community we have a problem with street cats and dogs. They are everywhere. Some of them
have owners that do not care if they are in the streets or not and some don not have owners at all. They
don not only make streets in our community look bad but some also try to bite people.
To fix this problem I recommend for everybody who have cats or dogs to keep inside the house or if
they do not want them to take them to animal shelters for adoption. Also the local police can pick up cats
and dogs that are just out in the streets before one person gets hurt bad. To this day we still have this
problem but in my opinion that would be good solution so we can have better cleaner and safer streets.

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

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