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Bio-psychosocial Assessment: Charley Shores

Teresa R. Hurtgen
Wayne State University


Bio-psychosocial Assessment: Charley Shores

Charley Shores is a 51 year old male currently residing with his wife (Nancy Shores, who
is 43 years of age) and son (Michael, who is 12). Mr. Shores has one additional child (Rena,
who is 18 years old) who was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Shores when she was six weeks old.
Rena no longer resides in the same property as the remainder of the family. As of two years ago,
Mr. Shores was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and at the present time is experiencing a bought
of unemployment timed at four years. Mr. Shores has not been able to hold a job for a
significant period of time at any time throughout his marriage, which may also be attributed to
his disorder. This has potentially lead to some tension which exists in Mr. Shores marriage. Mr.
Shores has mentioned suicide several times as of the last three months. Mr. Shores is meeting
with me to help him to establish a role in his family that he is content with, to help manage any
potential suicidal thoughts and the root of where they come from, as well as find a solution for
his recurring unemployment.
Family of Origin
Mr. Shores is the eldest in a sibship of three. He is six years older than his middle sister
Pat, and eight years older than his youngest sister Louise. Mr. Shores recalls a lot of violence in
his household growing up. He reports that his father was an amateur boxer and used his fists as
discipline with him. Mr. Shores reports that he has no recollection of his father hitting his
mother, but that he recalls specific instances when his mother had hit his father, one time causing
his father to pass out. Mr. Shores also recalls his father picking up his gun and stating he was
going to kill his bosses at one time. Mr. Shores reports wrestling with his friends often as a
child, and reports being a lousy brother to his sisters as he was often hitting them. Mr. Shores
reports being teased often by other kids and frequently being beat up. At 18, Mr. Shores enlisted


in the Air Force in order to avoid the fighting on the streets and in his home. Mr. Shores mother
passed away due to a car accident prior to his marrying of Mrs. Shores at age 28. His father
remarried and later died of a heart attack.
Developmental History
Mr. Shores developmental history was not discussed.
Health History
It is reported that Mr. Shores has a low sperm count. In combination with Mrs. Shores
irregular ovulation this caused for difficulties with the couple conceiving, contributing to the
adoption of Rena when Mrs. Shores was 25 and Mr. Shores was 33. Two years ago Mr. Shores,
when Mr. Shores was 49, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He is currently taking lithium
for mood stabilization.
Relationship and Sexual History
Little to no issues existed in the beginning of Mr. and Mrs. Shores relationship. They
married when Mr. Shores was age 28 and Mrs. Shores was 20 years of age. It is reported that
Mr. Shores has a low sperm count which attributed to difficulties in contraception for the couple
(Mrs. Shores also reported irregular ovulation.) They were married for five years, Mr. Shores
was 33, before adopting Rena when she was six weeks old. Six years later, when Mr. Shores was
39 years old, Michael was conceived. No additional relationships or experiences discussed.
Family of Creation History
Mr. Shores married Mrs. Nancy Shores after his enlistment in the Air Force. Mr. Shores
is currently in his first and only marriage with Mrs. Nancy Shores. Mrs. Shores is very parental
in regards to the dynamics of the relationship, which she admits to. She reports she does not
trust Mr. Shores to handle the majority of decisions made, including with financial decisions.


Mrs. Shores also reports that Mr. Shores has an issue with compulsive lying at this time, which
causes her stress. Mr. Shores he is happy in his marriage and believes that Mrs. Shores is the
best wife ever. Mr. and Mrs. Shores have two children, Michael age 12, and Rena age 18.
Rena was adopted at six weeks old.
Michael suffers from severe asthma, as well as behavioral issues at this time. The family
reports the difficulties that exist between Michael and Mr. Shores. Mr. Shores reports that being
a father has been especially difficult. It is reported that the two relate to each other more like
siblings than like father and son. The two have been to see therapists, who suggested Mr. Shores
do father-like activities with Michael. These activities have been reported to be unsuccessful,
with the two bickering and screaming at each other upon returning home. Mr. Shores states that
although he would like to act more like a father, that he is unable to think about what he is doing
when he is doing it, which leads to their arguing.
Rena was mentally gifted at a young age, but did not complete several of her ambitions.
She dropped out of high-school, and obtained her GED. Mr. Shores reports that she was even
mechanically gifted which he found himself somewhat jealous of. At 13 years old Rena moved
into the lower apartment, following her maternal grandmothers death and resided with her
maternal grandfather until he passed away a year later. When Rena was 16 years old, it is stated
that she lunged toward her mother, bruising her badly. Mr. Shores broke up the altercation. At
this time, both Mr. and Mrs. Shores discussed with Rena that she would need to reside
somewhere other than their home once she turned 18. Rena now lives in an efficiency apartment
blocks away from her adoptive-family.
Substance Use Abuse History
No substance use or abuse reported.


Mental Health History

Mr. Shores reports that he has often times throughout his life become depressed, however
at one point his depression worsened. Mr. Shores experienced his first psychotic break two years
ago after during his first cooking job, at age 49, after having taken courses for the job. Mr.
Shores recalls his manic behavior and reports having hit the chef after being called names. He
was hospitalized for four weeks. During this time, Mr. Shores was diagnosed with bipolar
Several times within the past three months Mr. Shores has referenced suicide. Mr. Shores
does not have a plan or means to attempt suicide. Mr. Shores makes these statements in response
to the suggestion of him obtaining disability benefits due to his condition of bipolar disorder.
Mr. Shores currently is taking lithium for mood stabilization.
Military History
Mr. Shores was enlisted in the Air Force for four years at 18 years old, which is the
longest period of time Mr. Shores reports of consecutively holding a job. Mr. Shores did not
indicate any deployments or events with potential traumatic experiences. Mr. Shores expresses
great pride in his enlistment in the Air Force, discussing it often to this day.
Financial and Employment History
Mrs. Shores worked full time as a nurse throughout the couples marriage, at which time
Mr. Shores was in and out of being employed. Mrs. Shores later experienced back troubles,
resulting in surgery and loss in her ability to work. She collects disability benefits, which the
family is very dependent on.
Mr. Shores has been unable to hold a steady job, however also did not seem to have
trouble finding another until about four years ago. Mr. Shores currently attends a vocational


rehabilitation program in order to receive training for janitorial services. He receives minimum
wage at the training, with the programs goals for him being to develop the work and
interpersonal skills needed for successful employment.
The home that the Shores family resides in is a two-apartment duplex home which was
provided to the family from Mrs. Shores Aunt Flo. Mr. Shores reports that he appreciates the
generosity of Mrs. Shores family, but that at times residing in the home bothers him as he does
not feel like a man. Mr. Shores reports that he is disappointed that he was unable to purchase a
home for the family. Mrs. Shores reports that she often worries Mr. Shores is not concerned
about their financial difficulties, at which point Mr. Shores privately reported that he does worry
but is not knowledgeable in how to cope with the situation or express his concern.
Mr. Shores had dreams of being someone well known in regards to his career. He had
chased being famous while he was younger, having gone to California immediately upon leaving
the Air Force. For the past five years Mr. Shores has been doing stand-up comedy at a local
comedy club weekly, which although does not yield any income, is something that Mr. Shores
enjoys. Mrs. Shores reports that she encourages this hobby, yet expresses annoyance with Mr.
Shores dreams of being a comedian saying that he is not funny. Her remarks could very well
come from a place of displeasure as she believes she is the only parent concerned with finances
and responsibility. She has mentioned that she is angry that no one will share the results of Mr.
Shores psychological testing. She stated that if she was certain that Mr. Shores was incapable of
working then she may not feel so angry toward him. Upon Mrs. Shores mentioning that Mr.
Shores look into receiving disability benefits like her, but for his mental condition, Mr. Shores
then reports that he would rather die before doing so.


Legal History

Mr. Shores has no known legal history.

Immigration History
Mr. Shores has no known immigration history. It is assumed that Mr. Shores is a natural
citizen of the United States.
Mr. Shores expresses various strengths which can help in finding a solution to his
reported concerns. Mr. Shores expresses strength in his persistent demeanor. Throughout his
various boughs of unemployment, he has consistently attempted to find more work. Mr. Shores
expresses humility and acceptance by being part of a vocational program which although he
might feel capable of surpassing, he humbly attends. Additionally, Mr. Shores has stayed true to
his personal aspirations such as attaining fame by doing what he enjoys and performing at a
comedy club. Although he has expressed that many times he has failed to achieve his goals in
the way he wanted, he continues to pursue them to the best of his abilities. He has seen social
workers and therapists with his family on more than one occasion and is still attempting to find a
solution to his problems. He is open to trying and open to change.
Plan of Change
Mr. Shores is meeting with me in order to help him to create and maintain a role in his
family he is content with, to help manage any potential suicidal thoughts as well as the root of
where they come from, and additionally to help find a solution for his recurring unemployment.
Mr. Shores expresses that he lacks self-confidence in the areas of his marriage, his
employment, and his relationship with his son. He agrees that to increase his self-esteem over all
will benefit his concerns with these issues most greatly.


Mr. Shores admits that he has mentioned suicide on various occasions; however he
reports that he does not mean these statements to be taken seriously. He reports that he only
makes remarks of suicide when he thinks of having to get on disability benefits, which his wife
has previously suggested. Mr. Shores admits that considering disability benefits makes him feel
insignificant, or like less of a man.
Mr. Shores has reported that if he could maintain a job that considering applying for
disability benefits might not bother him so much. This social worker opines that this would also
aid in his self-confidence, in which case Mr. Shores might be more comfortable to admit how the
bipolar disorder might affect him. Mr. Shores agrees that his bipolar disorder could possibly be
more severe than he has wanted to admit. He has agreed that meeting in a group setting might
help him to better understand bipolar disorder and in what ways he can better learn to live with
the obstacle of the disorder and maintain a good relationship with his family.

Mr. Shores will increase his self-confidence.

A. Mr. Shores will gain a better understanding of bipolar disorder within one month.

Mr. Shores will attend a bi-weekly support group for members with
bipolar disorder throughout the month of April.


Mr. Shores will write a journal entry once a week regarding his emotional
state for personal reflection purposes.

B. Mr. Shores will maintain his hobby of participating at the comedy club.

Mr. Shores will continue to participate at the comedy club every Thursday.



Mr. Shores will meet with other comedy club members before each show
on Thursday in order to help establish a network of other like-minded

II. Mr. Shores will better his relationship with his family.
A. Mr. Shores will take on two new responsibilities in his household in order to help
relieve his wifes stresses to help him acquire a responsible role in his household.

Mr. Shores will help his wife with the family finances. He will take each
deposit received by the family to the bank within one-day of


each payment. (This includes disability checks Mrs. Shores

receives, any
payroll checks from Mr. Shores training, as well as any income
from the new tenants in the lower unit of their home.)

Mr. Shores will prepare the lower unit for move-in for the new tenants one
week before they move in (paint the walls and steam-clean the floors).

B. Mr. Shores will plan to participate actively with both of his children at least once a

Mr. Shores will speak with Michael about finding one at-home activity or
project they would both enjoy. Mr. Shores will present five

different ideas

to me upon our next meeting.


Mr. Shores will contact Rena about either going grocery shopping with
him, or out to lunch with him every Sunday.



III. Mr. Shores will find resources within himself to maintain employment.
A. Mr. Shores will continue vocational training to completion.

Mr. Shores will meet once a week with his vocational trainer regarding his
status in the training program.


Mr. Shores will obtain and provide me with weekly progress reports from
the training upon each session.

B. Mr. Shores will obtain and maintain employment as a janitor upon completion of
the training.

Mr. Shores will find five different potential places of employment as a

janitor either through his training program or elsewhere and

present the

ideas to me within one month.


Mr. Shores will add to his journal once a week about his confidence levels
and his feelings toward the training program and status of employment.

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