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the World Began Part 2

Into the Unknown

1. What was one of the first stories involving Europeans finding new land to the west?

____The tale of Brendan and his Irish monks who sailed west to new lands___________

2. It was a few centuries before stories of a new world would emerge again. Who told the stories
this time? __The Vikings__

3. What route did these people take from Europe to the new world?

___From Europe to Iceland to Greenland to Newfoundland_____

4. Why did they leave the new world? They were driven out by the Aboriginals of Newfoundland__

5. What happened in 1453? _Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks, a Muslim culture that
would not allow Christian Europe to travel east very easily __

6. What did the Europeans decide to do now that Constantinople and the land route east was
blocked? _They decided they would sail west to reach Asia and the Orient_

A Continent of Nations
7. What did the maps drawn by Shanawdithit show William Cormack?

__She drew what had happened to the Beothuk as they were driving inland and were hunted
by Europeans. Some died from disease, others from starvation__________________________

8. What happened to Shanawdithit? __She died from tuberculosis _

New Lands
9. Where did Christopher Columbus land in the New World? ________The Caribbean_________ .
Where did he think he was? ____________Asia________________

10. Who was the first sailor to lead the English expedition to the new world? _____John Cabot____.
Where was he from and what year did he sail to the New World? ____Venice, 1497______.
What land did he find in the new world? ______Newfoundland____

11. What was Cabots most valuable discovery in the new world? ____Fish_____

12. What happened to John Cabot? ______His ship is believed to have sunk taking him with it___

13. What happened to the Beothuk that were captured and brought to Lisbon and why did they not
make good slaves?

_They could not survive the conditions in Europe and all died, thus they were not used as slaves

The Land God Gave To Cain

14. What year did french explorer Jacques Cartier sail for the New World? ___1534__

15. What was Cartier searching for? ___To find a trade passage through North America to Asia__

16. Describe Cartiers first encounter with Aboriginals. __He sent some sailors ashore to trade __
metal goods for the furs that Aboriginal men had. The Aboriginal men were very happy with the
metal goods ________________________________________________________

17. What did Cartier leave behind after his first voyage to claim the land for France? __A cross _

18. Who returned with Cartier to France? ____Donnaconas two sons_Taignoagny and Domagaia





What did the king of France hope to achieve in the New World? __He hoped to convert the
people of the new world to Christianity, thus assuring his place in heaven.__

Where did Cartier land on October 2, 1535? __Montreal__

What happens to Cartiers ship as he makes a dash up the St. Lawrence River back towards the
Atlantic? __He is stuck in the ice of the St. Lawrence River and forced to spend the winter in

What begins to happen to the crew of Cartiers ship after they are stranded by the winter?
___They begin to succumb to scurvy __

How are they saved? __Donnaconas sons Taignoagny and Domagaia brew an elixir from cedar
bows _

A Star was Lost in the Sky

24. How does Cartier plan on being granted another trip to the New World?

___He planned on kidnapping Donnacona and bringing him to the king of France. He hoped
that the King would be impressed with the stories told by Donnacona and send Cartier back to
the New World on a third expedition.___

25. What happens to Donnacona once he is in France? _He tells stories of riches in the New World
in the hope of being returned home. He never does; he converts to Christianity, learns French,
and ends up dying there never to return home.

Northwest Passage

26. What is Henry Hudson trying to find? _A passage to Asia through the north__

27. Where does he get trapped? __The bay that would later bear his name Hudsons bay__

28. What happens to Henry Hudson? __His crew mutinies and throws him off the ship into a small
row boat. Hudson is never seen again._


29. When did Captain Cook head for the west coast of Canada? __1778_

30. How did Nootka get its name? __The Nisga used the word Nootka to explain to Captain Cook
where he could drop anchor. Captain Cook thought that Nootka was the name of the place_

An Air of Savage Magnificence

List some of the things that have occurred between the British and the Aboriginals before the
arrival of the ship carrying John Jewitt: ___Arguments and violence, rapes and beatings, even

How does the captain of the British ship insult Maquinna? __Maquinna is scolded by the captain
of the ship in front of his warriors for breaking a gun that was meant as a gift_______________

What happens to the crew of John Jewitts ship and why is he spared? __The crew of the ship is
killed by Maquinna and his warriors. Jewitt is spared when he agrees to be Maquinnas slave.__


What is a potlatch? ___A feast and a celebration where a powerful chief shares his wealth with
all of his guests_________________________________________________________________

31. How does the relationship between John Jewitt and Maquinna change during the course of
Jewitts captivity? _Jewitt becomes more of a son to Maquinna than a slave_________________

How does John Jewitt eventually get rescued? ___An America whaling ship arrives off the coast
and Jewitt writes a letter to the captain asking to be rescued_____________________________

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