Vtu Dec-2013

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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT www.viuresource.com usn [ | 1 Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec. 2013/Jan. 2014 Design and Analysis of Algorithms “Time: 3 hrs 10 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting. atleast TWO questions from each part PART-A 1a, With the belp ofa flow chart, explain the various steps of(@eoRQyge dey. and analysis process. costars) i I fin) € Ogi) and f(a) € OCgx(m) prove that fin) g ECAMACmax {4(0), 4260). (4 Marks) Write an algorithm for selection son and show thatthe ti ity ofthis algorithm is E quadrati. (8 Mark) 3D a. Wil te divie nd conqutrmetod. Stow elficeney of binary search : algorithm is log 9), Qo Mack 'b. Explain quick sort algorithm, Find the ti of quick sort for best ease, worst = case and average case (G0 ark) 23. Write Kosh’ algorithm 10 a wan spanning tree and show thatthe time Aa ciicieny is 0 lel). (08 Maris) Eb Apply Krusha's algorithm tages rigging ce ofthe graph 8 Mas) #2 zt ei a Fig. O50) ag > to find single source shortest path. osmtansy ES 4 a wri ramaing lgrithm to compute binomial co-efcient and obtain ts Ha we opex ‘ws Mars) £2 diggin pra algo wo sind he anv cose ofa dete erp Appl ths Ee ‘osMers) 68 = 3 3 Fig. O48) State Floyd's algorithm, Solve all pars shortest path problem for the given graph using Floyd algorithm, (08 Marks) tor? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT www.viuresource.com 10C843 PART-B 5 a. Explain decrease and conquer method, witha suitable example ws bb Apply the DES ~ based algorithm to solve the topological sorting problem : Fig, 0500) State Horspoo!s algorithm for patter matching. Apply, the Ws (0 search for the pattern BARBER ina giventext. {08 Marks) 6 a Prove thatthe classic recursive algorithm for the tod of Handle makes the minimum umber of disks moves need to sole i (eMac) & ‘Write shor notes on = i). Tight lower bound ii) Trivial lower bound ii) Information theoretic lower boune (02 Maris) 7a. Explain how the TSP problem can ‘banch and bound method. (06 Marks) Explain back-tracking concept to mqucens problem, (08 Maris) e. Solve 8 — queens problem for 47D. (W6 Maris) 8 a. Write shor notes on 3) Hamitonian probe i) M Coloring 0st) Eran prefix compris ranking sgoritm, th suiabe examples Sy Tr Na) 2of2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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