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It is a defining moment in our history as a nation whereby our fate is
determined by ourselves. A time of making decision of what our life in
coming five years will look-like, the moment of keeping dreams of
future generations alive and above all, the time whereby the future of
this country depend on choices we make. Now, it is a serious blunder to
limit political campaigns to the cheering groups. It is a shame for
campaigns to concentrate on personal attacks and imprudent to insult
others. As we do our campaigns, our inspiring hope is the future of our
country, that Uganda should be better than these last ten years. This is
our shared ideal and common ground as people. In this focal point, we
are inexplicably connected. What appears to be differences, always
vanish in air. Our bond is too strong, too compact, it cannot be broken.
While knowing this reality then we shall always disagree in some issues
but no necessary being displeasing.
Politicians will always defend their manifesto without make malicious
steps to disrupt the other people from different parties. We should know
that political gamesmanships in campaign cannot help, and will never
help. As we cast the ballot or support certain policy of a certain party, we
should always know that this election is more than cheering presidential
candidates. More than NRM, FDC and more than the TDA, it is about
our beloved Uganda. This election is important because we have to
determine our fate and fates of our children and grandchildren. While
supporting, we must keep in mind that the future of this great land lies in
our hand. Our decision in the coming general election, reflects the kind
of life, we want to live, As voters we ought to think big and transcend
our parties and fix our hope to a large reality (Uganda), in this time.
The vote one casts matters a lot, not only to an individual alone but also
to the people who are dear to a person and entire nation. For parties'
nominees of different political party and political positions, the question
ought to be what should I do to my fellow Uganda and humanity in

general?. It is true the will itself to do good is not enough, but also the
capacity and ability of making a difference to every walk of life is vital
as well.
In short, I believe we are compelled by moral principle as we excel our
suffrage or right to vote. We are determined to make wise decision not
being influenced by mob psychology or our dedication to our dear
parties or passions toward some nominees. We should always scrutinize
their policies, we should rationalize their reasons. By and Large, our
rationality should be our guiding principle in making a right choice. This
is the choice of life time, however much one appear to be unconcerned
with his right to vote, he should know that decision one makes affect his
family, wife, children and entire national at large. It is a critical moment
we should be aware. The tendency at times for some people is to deny
themselves their own dignity. To choose not vote is to deny yourself
your manhood, and to let your decision being corrupted by politicians or
people's opinions or hearsay is not to take your manhood seriously. We
should always let our manhood reflect on some decision we make, at the
same time, take our dignity seriously.
We are first Ugandans and not NRMs, FDCs, or TDAs. Our country
matters a lot than political parties. Our dedication to this nation should
be our driving force in this election. It is our time to exercise moral
judgment, Once Martin Luther King said that vanity asks the question is
it popular to do, on contrary consciousness asks the question is it right to
do. We should always ask the question is it right to choose so and so to
represent me in coming five years. In order to achieve this noble
responsibility in this election, our mind and rationale must be our
currency or parameter in knowing exactly what one ought to choose.
Moral responsibility pushes one to have clear reasons of why is voting,
not just voting because one has been registered. When one goes to the
poll station, one need to look at oneself in knowing that my vote will
change our country for better and not for worse. This is the kind of ideal

we are invited to have in this election. This is an imperative we ought to

take passionately and seriously for the betterment of our nation.

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