TCS Sustainable Supply Chain Policy 0614 1

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TATA Sustainable Supply Chain Policy ‘TCS embodies the Tata group's philosophy, enshrined in the Tata Code of conduct, of bulding strong sustainable businesses that are fimly rooted In the community and demonstrate care for the fenvironment. Asa part of ts commitment, TCS seeks to instil good enwronmonta, socal and {governance (ESG) practices in ifs upstream supply chain by encouraging its supply chain partners fo ‘adopt and practice highest levels of (SG) standards. TCS is sso Keen to engage with and support is ‘ounstream supply chain partners in ther respective endeavors on sustamabily. The intent isto elance the impact on people an plano, across the value main. whle TCS coninues to sinve for business ‘growth. We aim to full this comenitment ey seeking relaborships with suppliers who share @ common ommiment io ‘+ Conciuct business in an ethical manner and abide by al legal and reguistory requirements and ‘other requirements tke the Tata Cade of Conduct, TCS Supplier Code of Conduct, TOS stancards ‘on heath, safely and environment (HSE], et, ‘+ Comply withthe international aber practice standards with specific focus onthe ILO Conventions Including conventions pertaining to fteedom of asseciaton and the gh to colectve bargaining elimination of al forms of forced or compulsory labor ‘effective abolition of chi labor: tliminaion of ciscrmination with respect to employment and eccupation + Respect he Human Rights ofl stakeholders inthe supply chain + Provide a safe and healthy workplace tits employees and athe partners + Demonstrate commitment to protect the envranment by conserving natural resources, preventing pollton, implementing waste reduction and management programs and minimizing impact on the elmate “+ Promote divers and inclusuty ‘+ Maictain transparency and disclose sustainability performance and practices in tine with regulations a international practices + Demonstrate leadership by propagating tho sustainably agenda upsteam ta te own supply cain A system and process driven approach based on management systems principles shall ensure ‘compliance with these standards and demonstate continval provement ‘TCS looks forward to bulking sustainable and mutualy rewarding partnerships with its eupply chal with «view to contribute tots own business sustainability and that ofthe people & planet ‘Ajoy Mukherjee: Date: 26° May 2014 ‘TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES TORE cme Rae tn

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